Graphic Cards GTX 460 - No display!


Hello folks - its been a couple of days since I got my hands on my new Gigabyte GTX 460 (1 GB). This was supposed to be my big upgrade - moving up from my old ATI X1800 GTO video card. I have an ASUS P5NE SLI motherboard and have Windows 7 64 bit running on my system.

Problem is - no matter what I do, there is no display out of the GTX 460 card. I have been trolling the net in vain all day today after trying everything that my friend and I knew. We have verified that the entire rig works - I can still use my old Radeon X1800 GTO card and get into Windows.

Thinking that this might be because of an older version of the BIOS, I even flashed it to the latest BIOS version - 1406. Still no luck. And now we are out of ideas.

Oh and by the way the power supply is a Coolermaster GX 550 and it exceeds the minimum requirements for the card. Any help or thoughts are most welcome at this point......
balashome said:
Hello folks - its been a couple of days since I got my hands on my new Gigabyte GTX 460 (1 GB). This was supposed to be my big upgrade - moving up from my old ATI X1800 GTO video card. I have an ASUS P5NE SLI motherboard and have Windows 7 64 bit running on my system.

Problem is - no matter what I do, there is no display out of the GTX 460 card. I have been trolling the net in vain all day today after trying everything that my friend and I knew. We have verified that the entire rig works - I can still use my old Radeon X1800 GTO card and get into Windows.

Thinking that this might be because of an older version of the BIOS, I even flashed it to the latest BIOS version - 1406. Still no luck. And now we are out of ideas.

Oh and by the way the power supply is a Coolermaster GX 550 and it exceeds the minimum requirements for the card. Any help or thoughts are most welcome at this point......
Whatz your location, may be we can check it physically. cause same happened to my friend but when i went and reseted the bios all went fine,,,Of course i was regarded with chocolates.. but just would like to see the card too

Just to put aside the basic stuff ... have you plugged in the power cord for the 460 ? if so are you using the standard 6 pin or are you using a converter.

Also as suggested above there is a probability that the card is a DOA so check it with another system.
Well I have not checked the card with another system. Thats just about the only thing left to do. Not sure what the steps are if it turns out that way. I bought this in the US. Will the local Gigabyte dealer help in getting a replacement?!

I am at Chennai by the way.

I will be trying to see if I can try this out in a different system. In another forum, there were people suggesting that the PSU could be the culprit. Is that even a possibility? The GX 550 is 80PLUS certified and has a 44 A rating on the 12 V rail.

To answer your questions - yes power has been connected and I am using both 6 pin connectors to connect the card to the PSU.

That apart does anybody suspect incompatibility with the ASUS P5NE SLI board?

Really doubt that an nVidia board would not work on an SLI chipset. Though the GX series hardly have rave reviews, but it should be able to power the system and get it to the desktop -- at least..!

Try another system.
As asignh pointed out that power supply doesnt seem to have great reviews backing it ... but then again cant say that the psu is the culprit unless you have tried the card in another system. Just to put the remaining stupid questions out of the way ... have you tried it both the slots ? also some of the older motherboards use a dummy card in for the slave slot... although this is only to make the primary slot to run at 16x(when in single card mode) just want to confirm if you have any such dummy card?
The card could be a lemon. Anyways, try it on another system. There are loads of TE members residing in Chennai. :)

OT: How did your AV setup materialise? Could you post a snap of the present setup please?
Folks the issue was sorted out thanks to the friendly and knowledgeable guys at 'TheITDepot' here. Yes, I felt sheepish resorting to the technical people despite having the benefit of the worldwide web and not to mention the fact that I am myself in the IT business. But well - sometimes you need a fresh perspective. This turned out to be one of those cases.

The problem was - the card was somehow being shorted on contact with the case as well as the 2 screws that were being used to attach it to the case. Yes - very strange. But hey - it happened to me.

Although part of the mistake can be explained when I point out that I did not really nail down all the screws for the motherboard (to affix with the case). Still, it was not as if the issue went away once the motherboard was completely screwed in.

Finally we used plastic thumbscrews to secure the Graphics card to the case and that was that....

Dessecrator - I am surprised that you still remember my Hifi adventures :). Well I am gone far left field now. I use a 2A3 based SET amplifier with Fostex single range driver based floorstanders. The source is handled by a PC in combination with the amazingly versatile Behringer DEQ2496. Its been a long and eventful journey :).

I will post pictures over the weekend.