GTX 580 Twin frozr 2 sli,XL2410T,Nvidia 3D vision etc

hey guys i recently upgraded my system and 1stly iw as going for 590 but i couldnt find it anywahere so i settled for a gtx 580 Twin Frozr 2 Edition SLi and also added BenQ XL2410T and also a 3D vision kit

i just love 3D and the system now is a beast and i also got an APC SUA1500I UPS so my system doesnt has to suffer from any problems related to electricity

any and all comments are welcome and also i scored P8670 in 3D mark 11 and Heaven i got a good score with 8AA 16AF and full tessetellation

if u guys want me to bench then please give me a link to the bench and ill surely post the result

also these guys OC to 900/1800/2200 @ 1.088 so very very happy

so now for the pics and comments

Thanks guys








also here is the heaven Bench ( i asked some OCers and they said this OC rocks and the score is great )

infected iam actually asking pros wether there is any use of going beyond 900 mark lets see what they say

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also added poll so waiting for peeps to join in
yes you can I have seen some at 925 odd....

but use wise no point as of now...

you should be destroying games with that on SLI

But those two will surly be dumping a lotta heat in the case....I know mine 1 alone does...

please posts some temps while the cabby is closed
Awesome stuff....I played with 3 D for a while and found the Nvidia stuff gave me a headache after a takes some time getting used to those shutter glasses..Though I have no idea what you are using.

My suggestion, on a more serious note is this: You seem to be ready for water cooling...jump in and wet your feet.
i know but water is too much headache for me

i saw some1 system burn coz his pipe was leaked also i have the same nvidia vivison u talk about and i play with it for 3-4 hrs and no problem
Congrats. P8670 in 3D mark 11 is a bit on the lower side for 580 SLI considering I scored over 10k with a couple of 6950 TwinFrozr II's. Your CPU is probably holding you back. Forget overclocking the GPU's, I think you should concentrate on getting the most out of your CPU. That alone should give a decent boost.
congrats on ur purchase :)

Are you running your proccy at stock? Atleast OC it to 4GHz or above, that should allow you to unleash the true potential of the cards.

Also run MSI afterburner and then run 3D mark11 and check afterburner to see if both the cards are loading out to 100%
^^ Can you also post some more Game Bench marks....more than Synthetic ones...

I just wanna compare how much is the gain going with SLI...

though I know there are plenty of benchmarks on the net but nothing like a first hand report.
sure infected just give me the link here and iam on a trip will come in a couple of days and will surely do it 1st thing but please give the links and what kind of settings u want on it
M just interested in some of the games you play their benchmarks...

I would like to see FPS of GTA4 , TF2, Crysis 2 (Dx11), Dirt 3 and whatever else you like, std. res like 1080p or something :)

...cause even I thought of SLI forever but never got down to doing it, and now went with the water way to keep me occupied for a few months...

...have a brilliant "TRIP" , whichever way it is ;)