Guess what I just got!!!


Thanks buddy

Though I didn't purchase it. Got it from WOMNokia as a trial for 2 weeks. There is a lot to write about. :)

Holy Cow Dung! Congrats dude, even if its for just 2 weeks!

Do post a full in-depth review both from perspective of regular user and also, if possible, how it fares as a geek's/programmer's toy :D

I hope you have seen the "definitive N900 thread" in the mobile phone section? See:

edit: if you got it as a trial (from local indian source?) then i hope it indicates Nokia is willing to think about selling it directly here in india (or at least the next version in 2010)...

well since we mostly already KNOW how good a geek's toy it is... i guess you can focus on its usability (user friendliness) for "normal" users...
thanks everyone.

Gaurish said:

your first impressions about the device?

hmm. fat ass, heavy, fluid UI, lack of apps, terrific display and qwerty.

It's not a phone. It's a UMPC that can make calls ;)

Oh yes it is (UMPC that can make calls) ! Some of us like to say "It's not a smartphone, it's a superphone"!