Guy Sells Future Winning Lottery Ticket on ebay !!

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A Brit Mr.Simonsteve from Derby U.K. is apparently selling the six winning numbers of the U.K. national lottery to be declared on 23 rd july , 2005. !!!! :huh: :no: on ebay HERE
here is the description of the item in his own words
What you are bidding for...
6 National Lottery numbers which were given to me with a specific date (July 23rd) by a turkish fortune teller (read below for more info)
How I came by these numbers...
A couple of months ago I visited turkey and came by an old turkish lady giving people their fortunes just outside her house for a few million turkish lira (about £2). At first she was telling me about my past like how I had been engaged but only to be cheated on by my other half, and how I have recently lost a loved one and much more. I was shocked how she knew all these things about me and pressed her for what the future had in store for me... She told me that I was to come by a great fortune on July 23rd this year and she sribbled on a worn out piece of paper 6 numbers and quickly passed it to me. Then she gave me a smile and asked me to leave.
I checked the date after I left and as I expected July the 23rd is a saturday so therefore the national lottery is drawn. So it's kind of obvious she was talking about!
Why I'm putting the number on Ebay... Winning the jackpot on the lottery is many peoples dream, the prospect of never having to work a day in your life ever again and having more money than you could think of, makes millions of people play the lottery every week! However I wouldn't want to win the jackpot I have seen what all that money can do to a person and I wouldn't want to change. But I would like at least someone to benefit if these are really the winning numbers. So this is why I've created this ebay auction.
(Note: Numbers will be sent to you on clearment of funds into my account)
(Note: Obviously I cannot guarantee that you will win the lottery with these numbers)


phew !! currently the bid is 26 pounds.
ah well there is a sucker born every second , more so in U.K.
Turkish Delights anyone .....:D
LMAO you can buy anything on ebay now in days, it sad on what people would shell out money on (pop tarts nothing special, just plain old pop tarts) :hap5:
Well the bidding is over. Winning bid: £430.00 lol, now we might see tons of copies of that soon ;)
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