Halo 3 Revieweedd 9.5 Gamespot...

HALO 3 HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY GAMESPOT AND HAS BEEN GIVEN AN AWESOME SCORE OF 9.5 .. wich adds another great game into the 360's belt.
heres the full review
Halo 3 for Xbox 360 Review - Xbox 360 Halo 3 Review

Man the 360's gonnna kill the ps3 if it keeps getting such great games for it..
havent seen one ps3 exclusive with a 9+ rating ....

and as for us pc gamers.. lets see hw long microsoft decides to make us suffer before releasing a bad port of halo3 on vista...(or maybe theyll hve a new operating system by then and use halo3 to publicize it :p..
i wish i had a 360 :(
indrajeet1811 said:
umm stormblast u finished the game already??

not finished. & dont intend to play or see it again. game might be decent in multiplayer etc. but 9.5 is not the right score for this game. the reviewer might have been a die hard halo fan.
This game looks fantastic and while I haven't caught up with any of the reviews yet, there's a lot of good being said about this game. Which is a relief after all the bad that was said about the prequel.
Got the game at midnight (yeah..standing in queue...bored-clueless reporter asking you what you expect from the game..couple of PS3 fanboys shouting "boo HALO"..etc etc" and played for an hour so.
Being a Halo fan, i dont want to bash the game a lot, but it has been a sort of letdown. Gfx are not THAT great (GoW looks better imho) and the game got boring after the first hour.
Will only finish it to find out how the fight ends.
FPS, a genre first defined on the xbox when it comes to consoles, amrikans of all ages, them all love it, they're all the hype behind it basically.

IIRC, msn.com also reviewed the PS3, btw, and they gave it an excellent score as well.
I love how people never play certain games yet find time to whine on how game X and Y are over rated and/or overhyped. if you haven't played Halo 3, you have absolutely no right to pass judgment on it. going by the franchise's history and Bungie's obsession with making everything perfect, I fail to see how Halo 3 would disappoint. People loved Halo: CE because it was revolutionary for it's time (2001) it had never before seen PS 2.0 effects and some of the best gameplay/sound/weapons for it's time. Halo 2's storyline was poor but the rest of the game was fun enough to justify the shortcomings. and ofcourse who can forget Halo 2's super-awesome soundtrack. I doubt many people here played Halo1,2 on Xbox. yet they feel obligated to post opinions about it without any sort of solid facts or past experience...
It's official. Halo3 is the biggest thing in US entertainment history, ever.....

Microsoft today announced that the Xbox 360 exclusive game “Halo 3” has officially become the biggest entertainment launch in history, garnering an estimated $170 million in sales in the United States alone in the first 24 hours. The Xbox 360 title beat previous records set by blockbuster theatrical releases like “Spider-man 3” and novels such as “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Dean Takahashi’s $800 Halo 3 Schwag Bag

This is perhaps the schwag bag to end all schwag bags…

Game journo Dean Takahashi with The San Jose Mercury News showed off his big $800-plus bag of Halo 3 propaganda sent to him by Microsoft.

He’s sending back the free stuff, which he called “nothing less than a bribe to try to get me to be favorably inclined to accepting the idea that Halo 3 is ‘the entertainment event of the year.’”

Included in the huge personalized duffel bag of goodies are Xbox 360 controllers, a Halo 3 Xbox Live headset, a displayable Master Chief helmet and a $480 Halo 3 limited edition Xbox 360, not to mention a first aid kit and some UNSC-issued food.
Check it all out on the Dean & Nooch on Gaming video podcast (and how Halo 3 made Takahashi barf).

Dean Takahashi’s $800 Halo 3 Schwag Bag : Next Generation - Interactive Entertainment Today, Video Game and Industry News

Also checkout the pic of the schwag in the link.

Even gamespot and IGN etc received their halo 3 schwag and they even posted a video on youtube.Need to try out the game to see if it is worth 9.5,though I liked the first one and wasn't satisfied with the Halo 2 campaign.Hope Halo 3 doesn't disappoint..Oh well there's always some manly fragfest game coming soon a.k.a UT3 :p .