Storage Solutions Hard disk cheaper in stores

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When trying to buy a hard disk for a friend I noticed that it is much more cheaper in Delta Peripherals shop than buying through Amazon or Flipkart. The WD blue 1 TB internal hard disk is Rs.2950/- in Delta but costs more than Rs.3200/- in Amazon and Flipkart. The same goes for a 600VA UPS which cost more in all online portal than the brick and mortar shops. Buying through online portals is supposed to be cheaper but has that changed now?
Its been like this for years. problem with offline stores is if you want a slightly rare model or even high end model, you won't find it. But for regular stuff, its been cheaper offline than online for many years now
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Simple reason why online is generally expensive :
When selling through online marketplaces (flipkart / amazon) , the seller has to pay + 15% as marketplace fee
I recently noticed that too... that computer products are available cheaper in stores than online now. For products such as hard drives, I generally prefer to buy from stores, since if there is a warranty issue, you can deal directly with them, and there's also the drive being damaged somehow in transit, since it is a sensitive product.

But yes, as said above, not all latest products are available in stores. Many of them aren't even aware of such latest products. They are such big and reputed shops, and still they don't have much knowledge of what's latest, and sometimes even the technical knowledge about products.

When I had gone to buy a hard drive for my PC a few years ago, I had gone to a reputed shop here. He was giving me an older version of Seagate, and he wasn't even aware that there was a newer version, even though he regularly visited the Seagate site. I showed him the latest version on the Seagate site, and then he got that model from somewhere. He said that he got to learn something new.

A month or so back, I went to inquire the price of Logitech wireless mouse M235. None of the shops had that model, and apparently weren't even aware of it. They were trying to sell me an older model.
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