PC Peripherals Hard disk read error

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I need help guys.
I was playing this Manhunt game and all of a sudden i get the BSOD, i could not read the error message before it hanged. I had no other option other than to off from the cpu.

On booting the pc, i got the message "Disk read error. Press ctrl+alt+del to restart". I restarted but got the same message everytime.

So i used the Repair option in the xp installation cd but It said that it did not find any hard disk. I tried to reinstall xp but It said the same thing that it did not detect any hard disk.

I had a new hard disk so I removed my old hard disk and installed XP on the new one, and then hooked up the old hard drive as slave. But windows booted and got stuck everytime at the loading screen (it seemed to be struggling to read the old drive).

I removed the slave drive and XP booted normally.

My old drive has four partitions, I think the first partition on which XP is installed must have disk errors. But the data in the other partitions must be fine. But i m not able to boot or install so how can i access my data.

Is there a way to correct the errors?

XP installation cd is not able to detect it and the bios detects it only the first time after i plug in the main power to the cpu, but if i press the power button on my cpu again the bios does not detect it.

Is the hard disk useless now? If so is it possible to retrieve the data on the disk?

My Sys specs :-
Win XP SP1
Seagate 80GB ATA

Waiting for reply.
HDD Regenerator is a unique program for regeneration of physically damaged hard disk drives. It does not hide bad sectors, it really restores them!

HDD Regenerator will regenerate your hard drive by magnetic reversal. As a result, not readable damaged information will be restored. With all this going on, the existing information will not be lost! HDD Regenerator regenerates hard disk drives exclusively at physical level. It ignores file system and can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks. During regeneration, the disk structure is not changed and the existing data is not affected.

BTW, It is not freeware.

Hope this helps
I finally managed to recover my hard disk after 3 days of work by SpinRite, it corrected all the bad sectors most of them were in the boot sector.

Thanks anyway Barbiegirl. :)
@MAnx,thx for the info.

FYI, found another one too, a freeware

Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier

Seems getting good reviews.

MAy help other ppl

Recovers files from disks with physical damage. Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data. The program will attempt to recover every readable piece of a file and put the pieces together. Using this method most types of files can be made useable even if some parts were not recoverable in the end.
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