Storage Solutions harddisk problem

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just bought a seagate 40gb harddisk.have a problem with it.i set the jumper to slave and connected it to primary cable.the comp reboots in the middle of the auto detection which takes eons.i tried even secondary master config with same results.finally limited it to 32gb and set as primary slave.everythin works but i miss out on 8gb.any solutions?

embarressing.300Mhz Celeron processor.128Mb SD RAM.4Gb harddisk(now 36Gb).52x CD-Rom.32mb TNT2 M64 AGP card.1.44 MB floppy drive.
which m/b ??
first Try updating the m/b bios .
Check the jumpers on the hdd (both the existing one and the new one) and the HDD cables.
cant be mobo cause i have already tried some other 40gb harrisk b4 and it worked fine.not too sure bout mobo maodel ill find out and tell.
Maniac said:
embarressing.300Mhz Celeron processor.128Mb SD RAM.4Gb harddisk(now 36Gb).52x CD-Rom.32mb TNT2 M64 AGP card.1.44 MB floppy drive.

1. Check your motherboard documentation, whether it supports the aforesaid Hard disk capacity. (Normally if the data pin fits, motherboard is compatible).

2. Check in your BIOS settings. Also check whether BIOS supports (as suggested by deejay).

3. Rare possibility, check the Hard disk on a friends motherboard (compatible ofcourse), if it is working. There may be a problem (0.1 % chance) with the hard disk itself.
im sure it's not mobo cause i previously have installed a friend's seagate 40gb harddisk on the very same rig.i think i had help that time since the number of sectors and heads etc were written down on the hd.whereas it's not in this i cant enter it manually in BIOS.
tried cable select and secondary master already.comp kept rebooting after a long time in auto detection state.havent tried killing the cd-rom and putting the hd as secondary slave in it's place.havent tried the harddisk alone cause no OS on it.
guys, I feel the harddisk manufacturer will hve to provide some fix to get the full 40 gb, if BIOS cannot be upgraded, since it's limited by firmware and not by jumper.

If i rem correctly, seagate does it using "Seagate Disk Manager" (download the latest version) to remove the 32gb limit by installing DDO. Then use the "set drive size" Option on the Utilities option for the DiscWizard for bios to recognise the full 40 gb.

His only hope maybe to patchup the bios using seagate disk manager (actually, seagate is patching the bios) and set drive size OR upgrade his mobo bios. <<<<--Try these first, atleast if anything goes wrong, u can get tech support from seagate and warranty too...

Maybe this may also help, i'm not sure. Deejay may know better :) (try @ own risk, if everything fails ;))

You might try something as simple as installing the drive as the only drive in the system, booting with an MS-DOS startup disk, and typing FDISK /MBR. This usually kills drive overlay software

Hope these tips were usefulll.....:):):)

@ Barbiegirl You might try something as simple as installing the drive as the only drive in the system, booting with an MS-DOS startup disk, and typing FDISK /MBR. This usually kills drive overlay software

overlay software = Master boot record, which I don't think will help in this case.

BTW, Use FDISK /CMBR <drive number> where <drive number> represents the drive you wish to recreate the master boot record. To determine the drive number, run the fdisk /status command.
Maybe this will help...Had posted this long back on TA.....
Member Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: India
Posts: 64
remove Disk Manager from Samsung HDD


I have a Samsung 40GB HDD, in which i tried to load Windows XP with SP2, as i recently upgraded my machine.

But since I have Disk manager installed in it, Windows refuses to boot.
In the Disk manager utility from Samsung there's no option to uninstall.
Also I don't have a floppy drive installed on my machine.

Please help.
Full Member Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Chennai
Posts: 247
owww....removing DDO is an extremely painful process...

See, SOme of the older BIOSes (esp Ambios) could not detect Drives over 32 GB ...
one way to handle this problem is to flash upgrade the BIOS so that it can detect 32GB+ hdd's

However, a more convenient but complicated way was to set the HDD jumpers to 32GB clip mode and install DDO ...DDO is a low level driver that kicks in as soon as ur HDD spins up...By setting the jumpers to 32GB clip, ur HDD shows up as 32 GB to the BIOS...Howeevr, when th ePC starts booting, the DDO kicks into action and maps the full capacity of the HDD to show up in the OS.....

So far so good....the problem starts when u want to upgrade/change OS etc. as putting in DDO is easy but removing is far from easy....

Since u say u've upgraded ur m/c, i am assuming u've got a new Motherboard+proc therefore ur new mobo should be able to detct the full 40GB...

You have two methods that you can follow:

I- Easier, but existing data will be lost
II- More complicated but you may (not necessarily) be able to retain existing data
1- The difficult part would be salvaging the existing data on your HDD....since the existing data can only be accessed if the DDO driver is riunning so you'll need to hook your HDD to a machine that has booted on a HDD with DDO on it....If you can manage to getby without the existing data, well & fine..proceed to step 2

2- Remove the 32GB clip jumper settings and set your HDD to Master

3- Get a bootable CD for win98 (I believe winXP cannot be installed directly via CD boot...I may be wrong there though)

4_ Set the BIOS to boot from CD and start the Win98 setup...choose custom setup and Format you HDD (all partitions) to FAT32....unfortunately, some of your the HDD sectors may not be salvageable

5- Install win98

6- Install winXP over win98

1- Get the Disk Manager utility from Seagate (not samsung), download the ISO file image on a friend's PC and burnn a bootable CD (U can create a start up floppy disk for the Seagate Disk manager but since u say that u don't have a FDD so...)

2- Boot using this CD/Floppy..The disk manager will automatically detect your HDD/s

3- Choose the maintenance options and select your samsung HDD...atthis point, you'll get a warning tht this utility is sp. meant for Seagate devices only and using this on a non-seagate storage devic may cause loss of data/device....Don't worry bout the warning though

4- Within maintenance options, you'll get an option to remove DDO...Follow the on screen steps to remove the DDO from your HDD.....

5- During the process, Seagate disk manager will tell you if the data on your existing HDD can be salvaged or not...I was able to retain most (not all) of my data

6- Once DDO is gone, set the HDDas master and install winXP...

Hope this helps
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