Monitors Has my NEW LCD developed Defects..Wits End..Plz HELP!!

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3 Very Distracting Dark Patches/Smudges have developed (2 at the Top End & 1 at the RHS as shown inside RED Rectangles in the pic below), since last 3 days,which does NOT Go away after numerous attempts of cleaning & rubbing it away!
I am at TOTAL Loss of what to think of it & make it Go away:confused:

See it for urself folks, appears more prominent with eyes than through camera :

Appears MOST distracting & Prominent in White or Light BAckground

So Those who any have any real idea about defects in LCD & also how to make my LCD's dark areas/smudges go away, Please HELP!!!

& Gosh..this is a BRAND NEW 2Months OLD LCD!!! :(
@Emil, Mayb Pic no1 gives u the maximum idea of how it looks bad..& it looks more worse with naked eyes..mayb my DSLR is NOT focussed right!
Anyway, backlight problem, i also thinklikewise,but is there any way out DIY for this particular problem...or is it the end of the LCD???(in everyother thing it's about Perfect except a Single Green subpixel defect,which is HARDLY distinguishable,even that too in Total Black screen alone) should i contact the Service Centre as the Last resort..RPTech handles the ASS & so i am pretty they will deal with the warranty part & when will i get my Monitor back(1month or 1year & also doubt if i get a NEW set as replacement), if i do a RMA finally with much remorse!
I am really at my Wits End..& BIGLY Disappointed if any such serious defects happens in such newly broughtLCD!..curse me :(
So anything apart which can get this dark areas/spots/smudges away

@Ultimatebasher, No when i apply a TOTAL DARK(BLACK Wallpaper, those spots doesNOT appear whitish or lighter,rather those 3 areas appear a MORE Bit Darker Than the Rest of the screen.. can it be thatsome dirt or dust has got inside the Topmost Cover layer of the LCD & stuck to the Actual Layer that stuffs/packs the LCD crystals???..i am running out of ideas, what sort of problem can it be..Google or the Net also doesNOT offer any similar problem experience anywhere i dont know what to do!
WEL Well well, I am the MOST Surprised person on the planet today!

Received a mail from Mr Suket_Gandhi of Asus today
This what I got in reply "This cannot be covered under warranty as this is caused by physical pressure on LCD
It is caused by extra-force, the spacer has been deformed and moved by this pressure, usually happened when user try to move the LCD Monitor."

OMG, Really Look how ridiculous can a Good Brand Like ASUS can be ,this is the Height,what do these morons think???.A genuine responsible & knowledgable customer would Damage his own Brand New LCD deliberately!????....omfg, this is simply unbelievable at how low they can go to avoid warranty claims !!!

Without Looking in details & believing in their own (service)People, they r trying to shrug off the entire responsibility to the customer! & disrespecting their own warranty terms!

The Service representative,who came to see the monitor,owned up the defect & assured me the replacement, Now this, I am Total loss of what to think next!!!
PLz Guide what r the ways,i counter the situation effectively!
^^ Sorry no offfence to you, i dont find neithe Eazy's problem same as me, nor opine with the Asus Guy... does he or me know, how i dealt with my LCD....i have been so so meticoulous & careful in taking care of my defies Logic if i did something to it...if it were so, i am ready to throw my brain right out of the window to the nearest garbage....this Monitor is My Personal Use Monoitor, No other person gets to get hold of it,leave alone pressing that hard!.....& if someone is SO DEAD sure abt the pressing part, then it was pre pressed in the manufacturing time only...i simply simply cannot buy that..this was accidently done by or not..this Asus guy is simply WRONG duping the stands in their culture for doing so..u will find many threads at TE alone of members having similar problems...i am totally pissed out..cannot take the crap at what he says!!!

Solution to situation anyone,who has particularly gone through similar bad experience!!!
Speak to your dealer and explain the situation. I have actually rmaed one or two things that i had screwed by making some mistake.
There isn't one.

That is a panel uniformity defect caused by handling or pressure, or sometimes some kind of defect when the LCD is snapped into the bezel.

You need to cool off and send a polite reply back stating the facts, that the defect emerged on its own and there is also a single dead pixel, which points to the possibility of a manufacturing defect.

A bit of white uniformity is not a problem. The degree to which the issue is happening as can be seen in your pics, is not alarming. If you can take another pic, and take it slightly off-axis to reduce the monitor glare, we can judge better. Try reduce the aperture and shutter speed, to capture a little less light so the severity can be judged.

What did you use to rub the LCD when trying to 'clean' the spots, and how much pressure did you apply? Cheap LCD monitors usually are only a thin film of material, if you rub it too hard the films dislodges and causes poor contact, leading to dark patches. A routine cleaning operation to remove fingerprints or stains can go awry if not done right.
Well, when I said I agree with Asus guy, I meant with the fact that the problem is caused because of pressure, my bad :ashamed:

Anyway like cranky said, you could pursue the matter with the higher up's at Asus and look for a solution, although it'll be difficult to convince them that it's a manufacturing defect that has surfaced after 2 months.
This is What i mailed them to this So Called "Concerned Persons"
//(Exact copy of the mail) as addressed to Mr. Suket Gandhi( ( & Mr Asok Gupta (

(whom it may concern)
Asus LCD Customer support Service.
Dear Sir/Madam,

It is with utter dismay & regret,that i (Mr. ..) have to make a complaint for a BRAND New LCD,Model >>> 24"inch MK241H LCD monitor
For the Last Few days, to my utter surprise ,i have found that 3-4 Very Distracting Dark Areas Patches/Smudges have developed (two at the Top End , one at the Right Hand Side of the LCD& one in the right centre,which does NOT Go away after numerous thorough & meticulous attempts of cleaning & rubbing it away!
I am at TOTAL Loss of what to think of it & make it go away,since i purchased the top of the Line Asus LCD & the flagship model at a premium,with lots of money ,full of honest expectation of an excellent product & after much, but rather contrary i found the experience greatly disappointing.Since a Lot of Professional work on media -photo & video gets done on my LCD, i am very discernible about any negativities that hampers my Monitor display & Work flow!

As it these problem was NOT alone,another snag has cropped up...the LCD Monitor at random intervals is also making some weird grunting noises..i say it's happening randomly ,NOT Very Frequently but mayb 1/2 -1 hr interval,there r some distinct distracting noises coming from within the LCD set!..i honestly dont know what it come these noises gets generated,..though it doesnot seem to affect the functioning of the Monitor,but nevertheless,i doubt both the problems(the noises from the LCD & the Random Dark growing patches) mayb be interrelated!

There is Also a problem of a Green Stuck/Bright Pixel at the centre of the LCD & my LCD Monitor is a premium ZBD model

This is My First Purchase of any LCD from Asus & am totally surprised at the failure of the LCD & the turn of events!

So, in consonance of all the Defects found,which moreover seems progressive at that, i demand that my Very New1-2 months old LCD Monitor of Model "MK241H" be Totally/Fully Replaced with another BRAND NEW LCD Set of the same Model ASAP!!!

Hope you would be prudent enough to accept your responsibility to The customer like me who Puts a LOT of Trust upon a Great Global Leading Brand like ASUS,which does all it takes to make the End user satisfied,particularly when he has genuine grounds for claiming one!

Expect you would ensure the delivery of another Brand New Set of MK241H at my address in exchange of the currently defective one ,at the earliest!

Thanking you ,
yours sincerely

Cranky dear, i dont know how much polite i can be now, since i had already given a "POLITE" enough email complaint ,pointing out every details all the defects there r , & in reply they totally give a screwed up reply,completely shrugging off their responsibility..Am i liar or what,making false claims as to deliberately fiddle & play with My Brand New LCD & damage it. & therby enjoy psychotically play a RMA-RMA game with some unknow Morons of some crap company,who doesNOT know how to handle a genuine customer,who is honestly surprised & aggravated at the unforseen turn of events..& demanding something which he has total right of!

They May Or MayNOT give anything in replacement,but certainly they have already done something Wholesome doubting their Loyal customer,i have Asus Mobos runing problem free for more than 6-7 years & i did have genuine respect for them...Now this attitude to put me in wrong & refusing warranty....honestly how can anyone else respond,when they know that they r genuinely true of what they speaking off..except being TOTALLY totally Pissed off!

My Dealer (from I brought the Monitor @August 09 End) is Viay aka Buygamingstuff & i have mailed him about the problem details...dont know how much can he help me..though he has assured me of such!

Now guys, i don't know the hierarchy of Asus or Rptech as in India,but do these names ring bells:

1) Mr Ashok Gupta of rptech india (
2) Mr. Arvind of rptech india ( )
3) Mr.Prashant of Asus (
4) Mr.Kiran More of Asus (
5) Mr.Suket Gandhi of Asus (

These r the persons,i have gone through my botched attempts to a genuine RMA, r there any guy/person/Big BOSS who r these bosses boss..who can empathise with my case & do a genuine replacement of the Defective new LCD with some defects that has cropped up after 2 months of purchase of the same? u guys know wany1 as suchof a Head/person of these co's who matters & Not be myopic in customer care & understand the situation perfectly..& do the RMA good
This NOT a So cheap LCD to purchase, i paid approx 16k for a 24"TN panel(other 24"of others cos r even less & i dont want to compare that way but that did COST...& I AM NOT rich!!!..therfore I rant & cuss me finally,bad luck i got..& if my dealer/vijay doesNOT helps in getting the New replacement..mayb i will b done for good!

* As for the guys who wanted to know, i had always cleaned it with Only Soft cloth that comes with eye glasses & with plain water, that too most softly & *meticulously!!!..mayb just 3-4 times only in these last 1.5~2 months, my room doesNOT gather dust that much anyway,nor is it near any window!

So Help guys if u can! :(

@Asus & Rptech!!!
Vijay has a pretty solid relationship with Asus, at least that's what I'm told, he should be able to help you out for sure.

I could, as a service manager, see a lot of disparaging comments in your letter, and you would have got the response you got. Repeating of "dismay and regret", "prudent enough to accept responsibility" these smack of contempt and rudeness.

In any case, anything you buy from Asus is a big risk because of the attitude of Rashi, and I've learnt the hard way to never buy an Asus product, or one supported by Rashi ever again, after 8 years of loyally supporting the brand and spending close to a couple of lakhs on Asus boards and bits.

However in this case, I see that going through the right channels as the way to go. Ask Vijay to help you out, if he can't do it (he apparently has a lot of clout in Asus) I don't know who can.

Good Luck.
^^ Once Burnt, Twice Shy.........u already tasted it!
for all future, same will be with me...
disparaging comments >>> friend, u need to see my state of mind as well.... & if they r so fragile at customer complaints, first they shouldNOT be making such fragile items first,which fails within 2 months of purchase by itself..leaving customer at sea!..also when the service personnel who made a Onsite visit of my LCD & accepted it as manufacturing defect...wth, do these bigwigs require fresh series of proofs from the customer..dont they have any mechanism of trusting the reports of their own service person, who gave persoanlly accepted the fault & assured me replacement soon(within a week)...i didNOT have egos in practical things that matter tome & any intention of slander to these ppl..but the attitude of Noncoopertion & framing me in the wrong position was from the begining i say...why make a second attempt of asking photographic proofs from customer....couldNOT they ask the service personal a detailed report of what's really wrong..or is the customer making false claims....such attitude doesNOT help....i know i live in India where refusal of customer rights r taken for a toss..& every1 only busy taking care of the selling part...ASS doesNOT matter at all!

& yeah, let c ,what vijay can do here..did speak to him about an hour aho..he assured me his BEST

btw, if such guys running the busiiness doesnot accept replacement to these defects, will they offer replacement on the ground of one Green BRIGHT/Stuck Pixel that's in the Panel..& since its a Premium ZBD (Zero Bright Dot/pixel) model, it's just the ground of another replacement claim...
C here :

* it was said in the letter of claiming the LCD replacement though,as can be seen above,but such incorrigible monolithic creatures hardly reads the full post
i now solely rest on Vijay's clout of sorting the things out...

..hope is a never ending entity!!!!!!!!!
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