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When driving in rains esp. during late evenings and night times I'm facing the usual hazy/foggy issue on my cars windshield.


The issue is severe at the left side than right and is happening to many cars- cars stuck in traffic, friends, families etc.

I did whatever Rnd I could and the haziness i mostly occurring inside/within the windshield is what I feel.

In standstill traffic, I saw drivers or the co-passengers stepping out of their cars trying to wipe off the fog and once in, the effect returns instantly. I too tried to wipe with a cloth from inside and it could not be wiped even 1% as it was not from inside. When I used vipers, it did help reduce the haze but only by 20% or so but not fully or to the max.

Its rather confusing as to whats the effect and where it is occurring as I'm 110% sure its not happening inside else using cloth I could have been able to wipe at least 1% of the fogginess!

**This issue somewhat also contributes towards traffic jams as well as one cannot judge the left-side and tries to maintain too much of a distance.

While I do not have a doubt about the functionality of AC, front and rear defoggers and blowers as they all are working just fine, I'm in search of the best combination of rain settings which can either get rid off this annoyance or at the most, considerably minimize to the best possible levels helping driving comfortably!

Its a struggle many of us face/and are facing since years across many car brands be it wagon r or a fortuner, yet everyone just keeps experimenting with the settings while not knowing which settings work guaranteed.

Even people on the almighty Teambhp aren't spared aka facing this issue.

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Another issue of water gathering on all 4 passenger windows along with fog though it goes off with AC but a few solutions for that as well would be appreciated.

There are few products and methods available but I would primarily like to stick to the in-car air flow settings which should get rid of this annoyance naturally as thats how every car is designed with exceptions of a rear-viper.

--Thus, looking for a a single, simpler tried and tested technique which works across cars!