Graphic Cards hd 6970 or gtx 580

i am confused which one to go for:huh:???? please suggest.. budget is no issue:p...i want a longer shelf for long run which one is good investment:cool2: so please share your opinions..
whats the resolution you play at ... if lesser than 1080p then go for 6970 ... else consider gtx580 ... .. its too expensive though :/..
580 all the way, if budget is not an issue and you want longer life etc you might want to hang on for a month or 2 there will be dual gpu cards coming and that might be exactly what you want.
i play at 1920*1080.....i am leaning towards gtx 580 only .. its been a long time i didnt use a nvidia card... for last 3- 4yrs i have been using a ati card.. starting fron ati x1950xtx - hd 5870
I feel it should be 6970 or 570 as for that resolution those 2 r enough, 580 is around 15-20% faster than the 2 and also some 6-7k costlier. I would go with 570...

But since the debate is 6970 vs 580 and mainly there is no budget constraint here.. 580 is the clear winner ..
dr.sankhadeep said:
i play at 1920*1080.....i am leaning towards gtx 580 only .. its been a long time i didnt use a nvidia card... for last 3- 4yrs i have been using a ati card.. starting fron ati x1950xtx - hd 5870
x2 HD6850 costs 22.5K

HD6970 costs 22.5k

GTX580 costs 28.5k

Like i said earlier Two HD6850 can burst the ass of gtx580 easily... Why spend more money huh? When u can have something better than GTX580 for much lesser money... BTW its all on u... If i were u i wud have bought x2 HD6850 and i wud have crossfire them...
Hades. said:
x2 HD6850 costs 22.5K

HD6970 costs 22.5k

GTX580 costs 28.5k

Like i said earlier Two HD6850 can burst the ass of gtx580 easily... Why spend more money huh? When u can have something better than GTX580 for much lesser money... BTW its all on u... If i were u i wud have bought x2 HD6850 and i wud have crossfire them...
I like this idea. I might just do this...
dr.sankhadeep said:
i play at 1920*1080.....i am leaning towards gtx 580 only .. its been a long time i didnt use a nvidia card... for last 3- 4yrs i have been using a ati card.. starting fron ati x1950xtx - hd 5870
i play at same resolution with HD5850 no issues, you can select either that depends on how much you want to spend.

Because Honestly I dont think you're gonna feel any difference gaming at 60fps or 70fps cuz where one card fails to deliver, both do, where one card produces outstanding(60+fps) the other does too..
Go for ZOTAC GTX 580.Zotac is the only company in India which gives 5years extended warranty for video cards.

All other manufacturers give only a maximum of 3years.Unfortunately,zotac has nvidia cards only.Since u plan to use ur card for a long time,zotac card suits u the best.

Remember that if a graphic card fails after warranty period,the only option u have is to buy a new card. Hence warranty is vital in the long run.
I have a simple algorithm in situations like these, buy the cheaper one! Also please take into account that the 580 consumes 50w more than 6970 in crysis and a whopping 130w more in furmark. Radeon 6970 is a lot greener than Geforce 580! It remains to be seen whether the 2 GB RAM on the 6970 gives it an edge in the future.
Go with 580 if budget is not an issue. PERIOD!

It is THE fastest single graphic card out there ( assuming 5970 to be CF)
Go for GTX580 it is the best card out there.

Plus you get features like Physix, CUDA, Purevideo HD on an nVidia card which AMD lacks.

else you can also do a SLi with 2x GTX 570's (come to think of it, why wasn't that recommended by others)