Storage Solutions HD Tune Airflow Temperature

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I was checking (and minimizing) my media back up HDDs to put them for sale and found that 3 (1 x 4TB, 2 x 3TB) of my Seagate Backup Plus External Hard Drives are showing Airflow Temperature error.

What I understood is that once it may have reached 55-56 Celsius and it got registered in HDD SMART info. These are working fine otherwise.

The red flag is only in HD Tune Pro but not in any other software like crystal disk, etc. Even seagate's own diagnostic software reports them in good health. No bad sectors too.

These are 2014 HDDs but used only few hours (see the screenshot, it's just 95 hours). What should I do with these hard disk?


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Not suspecting anything problematic though given the age and how well you stored them or used otherwise might be another sue case..
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