Storage Solutions HDD problem

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Hi Guys,

I have this problem..... every time WIN XP boots, one of my drives(D: ) is scanned. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Even if I have shut down the computer properly the previosu time.

I tried defragmenting the disk. I get a message saying that

"Disk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume:Nikhil's Stuff(D: )
Please run chkdsk /f. "

I say OK. And then i run chkdsk /f and a DOS window opens and says

"The type of file is NTFS
Cannot lock current drive

Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. WOuld you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the sytem restarts?" It gives me a yes or no option.

Whatever I do, I cannot defrag my D: drive and next time I start my comp, D: is scanned. And the same cycle repeats itself.

Please help me out guys!!!!!
Do u hve anyother defraging/ disk checking utility installed, say, like norton etc..
If thats the case, i may uninstall it and run error checking again.

Also i will look into msconfig-->startup..

OR, u can mount the drive as a slave in another pc and do the error checking /defragging..

If everything fails, U may backup (or copy to another drive) the data (hope no OS files r there in ur D drive) and format the drive..(I will do this)..
Easy way out------ Take a back up of d:, format within XP from controlpanel>administrative tools>comp mgmt> Drive management
Seems likely that some of the sectors on Drive D have gone bust coz of which the screwed up Scandisk utility can't complete its scan when u start ur pc....

To confirm this, d/l this utility called HD tune, and run a disk scan....The bad sectors will show up if there are any
I would suggest a format of D: in any case so that at least the bad sectors are marked out on the sector 0 of the HDD thus preventiing possible data loss in the future.....
When I see some good info on the net I save it and one of the things I have saved is .....
For some reason my computer began to start Disk Check every time I boot it up. If I do let the computer go through with the Disk Check it finds nothing wrong.


Many things can cause the disk checker to auto run. To stop it from running follow these instructions:

Go to Start>> Run: Type in: CMD and click OK.
At the resulting prompt, type in: chkntfs /d [Enter]
Please check the options available for CHKNTFS with the /? switch.
there are 2 reasons for this -- too much Clutterd data on ur hard disk
2nd - ur hard disk is abt to die-- back it up

Defragmentation is a Bull shit concept-- dont feel it helps anyways --
give that hdd a hard format(not Quick one) so that it can Recover any lost Allocation sectors & remark sectors & check bad blocks.

If u still experience the prob -- the HDD's head is weak now ---- replace the HDD asap
mehargags said:
there are 2 reasons for this -- too much Clutterd data on ur hard disk......Defragmentation is a Bull shit concept-- dont feel it helps anyways

I dont understand this - you say that the possible reason could be too much clutter and then you say Defragging is B.S. So what is the clutter you refer to - is it not fragmented files ? How do YOU unclutter the clutter if not with defragging the drive ?
Eazy said:
I dont understand this - you say that the possible reason could be too much clutter and then you say Defragging is B.S. So what is the clutter you refer to - is it not fragmented files ? How do YOU unclutter the clutter if not with defragging the drive ?

Guys!!! Thanks for all your help......But my HDD is a new 160GB SATA Seagate. I got it in Feb 1st week.

And I feel that defragmentin does help speed up the comp. The first time after I loaded all my programs and all, I defragged the disk and my comp was noticeably faster.

And I ran the HD Tune. I scanned my HDD. It said that there are no errors. And I restarted my comp again and the problem is back. Now, I will have to start taking backup of D: dirve and format it. I guess that is all that is left for now.

But, if anyof you guys can think of anything please say so.... my d: is 40GB big and I have used 78% of the space.
The most probable cause of that error is that the "dirty bit" is set in the windows registry.

This forces windows to run chkdsk on every boot.
First try ferrari's link above first and see the second option of the registry editing.
Either this "dirty bit" is not getting cleared after the chkdsk is run or some other program is setting it again.
To confirm that do as follows
at the command prompt type "fsutil dirty query D:" {without the quotes} , (D) is ur drive letter. and i presume it is not ur system drive.
1) if the reply is "Volume - D: is Dirty" then you have nailed the problem.
2)if the reply is "Volume - D" is NOT Dirty" then some more diagnosis or debugging will be required.
if the reply to the query is first one i.e. Volume is dirty then a simple completion of chkdsk (complete repair )generally clears up the "dirty bit". You may do as follows (since this is not ur system drive , else a restart would be required since the disk needs to be locked for checking purpose)
1) at the command prompt type "chkdsk d: /f"

let it finish.
2) then type "chkdsk d: /r"

let it finish.
after this most probably ur problem will be solved.
incase it does not post back for other solutions.
Thanks a lot DJ and Ferrar!. I went to the link given by Ferrar! na dtried it. But I could never find "boot execute"

"Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute "

So, I did what DJ suggested. And it worked!!! Thanks GUYS!!! You are great!!! really!!
np problemo good work Deejay. :)
Nikhil Always make notes of these problems and thier solutions so that it will help in future to help someone else :)

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