PC Peripherals HDMI-DVI-VGA Confusion


Hi, mates
In a few days time i may be in pocession of a FULL HD HDMI capable monitor, i am confused, how can i fix HDMI Cable, since my cpu does not have a HDMI port, i want to get best video and audio quality so i need to fix HDMI feature between my monitor and cpu .so can one help me in solving this confusion, as i dont have too much of knowledge of hardwares, so i guess this is the best place to ask for help.
A detailed feedback will be highly appricited in this regard.

with regards
Which monitor u r buying?

I think your Mobo has VGA port only and Monitor may be having DVI port at least besides HDMI port (If not VGA). Connect through VGA cable using DVI-VGA connector.
stud123 said:
Which monitor u r buying?

I think your Mobo has VGA port only and Monitor may be having DVI port at least besides HDMI port (If not VGA). Connect through VGA cable using DVI-VGA connector.

It is Dell 2409W Full HD, and unfortunatly my board does not have a DVI or HDMI port, i may need to upgrade my board. VGA to DVI connector may not produce desired quality(video and audio) in Huge collection of my Bluray / Full HD (1080P) Videos.
bond_212 said:
u have two option
1. upgrade ur motherboard
2. or buy a new graphics card with dvi /hdmi output like ATI 4350
How much it will cost me, and do you have more choice in G Cards with HDMI/DVI ports, i mean to say high end cards.
buy a nvidia 8xxx series gfx card or the ATI 4xxx series if you plan on watching 1080P smoothly on your machine