Audio Headset Suggestion - Budget $100 / INR 7k


I want a new headset for my PC - primarily for movies although might use it for a few movies sessions. I can buy in India or source from US

One's shortlisted - (price in USD are from US, INR sourced locally)

Siberia V2 (~$60)
Sennheiser HD449 (INR 4000) + Mic
Audio Technica AD-700 (INR 7000) + Mic
Sennheiser PC330 (~$80)
Creative Aurvana Live (INR 7000 / $75) + Mic
Shure SRH440 (INR 6500) + Mic

I do like a little bit of bass - but the priority is more on sound clarity, lightness & comfort. I am looking for a open air design. Most highly recommended seems to be AD-700, but does it have very low bass ?