CPU/Mobo HELP : 3.3v ... BIOS shows 2.7v but multimeter shows 3.3

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geek ashish

PC config
Intel 5300
Asus mobo
512+1 GB DDr400 RAM
Samsung 80GB SATA
Iball UPS
I ball PSU (not more than 6 months old)

My friend's PC has this problem for more than 6 months now.

The WindowsXP OS keeps on crashing frequently. almost every 1-2 months. last install was 3 weeks ago and today, it says "can't read the disk"

I noticed the voltages for 3.3v, in BIOS, was 2.7-2.8v in RED font (warning).

I got the HDD and PSU to my home.
checked the PSU on multimeter, by shorting green and black pins.
All voltages are perfect. 5, 12, 3.3.

for hdd, i did two stage scanning in winows. No bad sectors found.
I can access all the partitions, including data on C(OS) partition

What is the problem?


- Ashish
PSU behaves differently under load.

iBall should change their name to allBalls. Their PSUs are worthless for all but the bargain-hunter or unscrupulous assembler who enjoys the occasional crash.

Under a reasonable load, the PSU will be exhibiting huge sag on the rails.

Let me put it this way. If you eat garlic, you shouldn't wonder why your breath stinks. iBall/Frontech are all junk products, and we have been talking about it for years now on the forums. The label is enough to tell you just how bad those 'brands' are.

I would bet pretty much anything that you change the PSU and you will be fine. And get a decent one.
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