Review Help! Apple service being very unhelpful

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I have a mbp under warranty (almost over)

It has been getting unusabley slow and laggy after a few weeks of use so was given to applecare
All they do is format it and give it back (4 times the last few months alone) but the problem returns in a few weeks

A ticket was opened with apple service who refused to replace the lappy even though they havent been able to fix the problem after multiple services

I need suggestions of how to escalate the problem...cant keep getting the lappy formatted every month, especially now that the warranty expires next week
If they havent been able to solve the same problem 3 times then i believe you are entitled to a replacement.
try to send a mail to the service center and attach your service logs.
dont worry about the waranty expiry beause all that matters is you initiating a request before the expiry date.
Also do mention that the procedure done before is not helping and that you only want a replacement.

You may get a suweet new mbp of the current gen:bleh:
it has to be written in their terms and can search for it.
just call the service center and tell them that the same problem has recured 3 times and you are entitled for a replacement.i believe they will understand what you are talking.
Throw a few tantrums.. Ask them to escalate your ticket to a supervisor. They will usually connect to a supervisor based in Hong Kong or Singapore (Countries that actually care about customer service).. Once that happens explain how frustrated you are and your work is suffering. He should be able to authorise a replacement instantly.
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