Audio help buying new iem


want ur advice on iem,i
have 10,000-15,000
budget ,recommend some iem based on sq and local availability.Clear mids,
extended deep bass and not so
piercing highs are prefered . I am very senstive to sibilance.considering ue triple fi 10,but worried about fit .I live near chandigarh so can obtain easily through amarbir.
If you are spending so much on an IEM, we would need to know a LOT more about what you listen to and current gear before anyone can come to a proper suggestion.

Its like at the doctor, he needs to know patient history, current illnesses and a full description of the problem before he can make a correct diagnosis. For something like a cold (cheap 1k IEM) then not much info is required. However for any serious illness (10k - 15k IEM) then he needs to know a LOT more info.

Dr Strategy, Dr Esantosh and Dr Faheem will be able to diagnose after you provide more info. :p
yeah, rather than directly Jumping to a Heavy IEM . try some Mir-end stuff to see what you like !

and now a days,deals are going on, monster turbine, Brainwavz M2, are the ones to try S4 dont suit your treble requirements.
Going by the whatever little description provided in the OP , something on the lines of Brainwavz M3 seems perfect :). Ohhh yeah you save quiet a lot of cash as well .
^ Monster turbines don't have an extended deep bass but more like boomy heavy bass .So if the OP doesnt mind that he can get it . Even Radius DDM could be considered.
If he spends 7-8 K on DDM, i would suggest him to go all the way, to something like RE262. suits him!

really , I have not that turbines have Boomy bass!, rather good extended bass! I am hoping to try the turbines soon , will update then.
Yeah RE-262 is a pretty good option as well but is it easily driven straight out of the player ?
For mids, there are only a few IEMs I like very much - e-Q5 (does not have deep bass, but highs are not harsh at all, needs to be imported), RE-252 (Does not go low, horrible fit issues).

RE-262 was the first IEM that came to my mind. I guess it's more efficient than RE1, so should work with portable players. If you get a portable amp or use it with better desktop sources, it would scale up nicely. Other choice will be Radius "DDM", though you have to get it from Musica Acoustics, Japan. DDM2 should be coming up in a couple of months though!

I'd second other's thoughts here - better to go for an IEM in the 5K range now. Brainwavz M3 could suit you from whatever I've read about them.
thanks guys for ur replies in such a short time,
when it comes to music i listen to almost everything. metal,trance,rock are my favorite,classical being least favourite,
i previously had a beginner's collection of iem -ep 630(too much bass)
pl30(good soundstage but darkish)
re2(too analytical less bass)
m2(better than rest ,but some what congested soundstage and mid bass hump)
well u guys are suggesting DDM ,again i am afraid of fit and also availability.
yeah an un amped player can drive the RE262 and yeah nicely if i may say so ( btw only unamped player i have is My ferrari :( so cant really tell :ashamed: )
thanks guys for ur replies in such a short time,
when it comes to music i listen to almost everything. metal,trance,rock are my favorite,classical being least favourite,
i previously had a beginner's collection of iem -ep 630(too much bass)
pl30(good soundstage but darkish)
re2(too analytical less bass)
m2(better than rest ,but some what congested soundstage and mid bass hump)
well u guys are suggesting DDM ,again i am afraid of fit and also availability.
^^ Err yes it does reasonably well but it sounds noticeably better with the Ibasso. The soundstage and imaging is a bit colapsed if used unamped and opens up when given enough power.

I would never suggest the RE262 unamped to anyone considering its not a cheap IEM. Its like running a Ferrari with unleaded petrol ! :p
^ I read in head-fi that joker gets only 10 hrs of battery life out of J3 if he tries to drive RE262 directly out of it. So, RE262 can be used with a portable player :p. But, it's better to use it with a portable amp.

DDM on the other hand can be easily driven out of Clip+, Fuze etc.,
^^ I have used it out of my BlackBerry phone and the volume is 1 - 2 stops lower than maximum volume (10 level volume slider).

They still sound pretty good but on switching to the Ibasso and volume matching I notice that imaging and soundstage width get noticeably better. These phones have the best imaging I have ever heard and frankly if you are losing that by running them unamped then you are losing out.

I have run them directly out of the MS 2 Dac and IMO they are driven properly there and I can enjoy them to the fullest. :)
I tried them yesterday . Straight out of the Fuze they didnt sound all that great .My RE-252 sounds lot better than the 262 without an amp but when I tried it with Brendons P3+ and Nukey's Pico Slim , the midrange and sound stage bloomed ! The treble though is quiet rolled off . Also the 252s are much more neutral and balanced compared to 262 . The 262 has super smooth ,warm and slightly upfront midrange with laid-back treble. Would definitely consider them if I had an amp or would plan to buy one ever :p .