HELP - Explorer.exe eating my bandwith!!!

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ok guys,

the thing is , as soon as i start my laptop, the lights on my ADSL modem go beserk!!! showing intense activity!! and i have not even loaded my browser yet!

and then when i try to open any website, it fails because all the bandwith is taken by some unkown application! i tried to nail it by looking in the process window in task manager, but i dont see any new/unknown thought to find the culprit by elimination.....
found out that its my own "explorer.exe" which is taking up all the bandwith! everytime i have to browse i need to "end task" the explorer!!!

(i use NOD32 which has performed quite well for me)
Please help!
You have a virus. Try loading some utilities to see what is making network connections. I have fixed this many many times on my systems.
probably some virus which attached itself to the explorer. you will need to remove it by hijackthis. probably in safe mode.

download hijackthis and then do a scan, check the list of items in APPInit_Dlls section. remove any unsuspecious dlls. if it hooks registry you will be able to remove the dll but it will appear again if you rescan. then select the dll to be removed during system boot by going into config->misc tools->delete a file on reboot. then reboot the system. after reboot you should be able to remove the entry. :) hope you understood what I am trying to say :P
I had the same problem when a trojan was communicating with some server, strangely i haven't faced this problem once i upgraded to Nod32 v4.x
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