Help: GUI and scripting tool is wht i need to do...
i need a simple gui making tool in Win32 environment...where i need to get a text input...and i need to fetch some data from the net, parse it and display it in the gui...i used to know Perl/PHP (will have to refresh my memory of them) i was looking at the following options

1. PHP - Gtk
2. Perl - Gtk

any other suggestions r welcome...i dont want complex software setups...wud like the code to be a standalone program...or with minimal setups...

also dunno Gtk will need to go thru some gtk tutorials too...or if thr r any other suggestions...
If you can learn fast, try WxPython. Python is pretty easy and you need to get few things on wxpython. I think there are couple of much simpler tools on top of wxpy, you can search around.

Once you have setup the dev environment, py2exe will give you a installable file which you can use as standalone.

This might be of some help -> SmallApp - wxPyWiki
GTK little complicated at first, but pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

But i think you can also use for ur work, y do u want to use perl, python.