Linux Help me setup tightvnc , jwm desktop on my debian server via ssh

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guys tell me the procedure to setup tightvnc , jwm desktop on my debian server via ssh ..
cant find it anywhere on the net , dont want to use GNOME as my server ram is 256mb and 512mb swap ..

Thanks !!
nevermind , installed and configured lxde 11 and tightvncserver on debian squeeze..
it its helpful , i will post how i did it here :)
rajeshjsl, will help a lot because am also looking for a similar guide.

install tightvnc
apt-get install tightvncserver
install xorg
apt-get install xorg
install lxde (its very light on ram !! like 20-30mb !!)
apt-get install lxde-core
now create the config files of tightvnc by running it once
tightvncserver :1
now we need to edit the config files , so we need to stop tightvnc first
tightvncserver -kill :1
now edit the config file using nano or vi .. like nano filename , vi filename so:- vi ~/.vnc/xstartup or nano ~/.vnc/xstartup
nano ~/.vnc/xstartup
and the following lines in bottom so that our lxde session starts with tightvnc
lxterminal &
/usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE &
now start the tightvnc server !
tightvncserver :1
the default port is 5901 , u can change that from the config ..
connect using tightvncviewer .
i would advise you to use tightvncviewer over ssh (so the connection is encrypted)
download putty and in its tunnel section add under source port "5901"
under destination type "localhost:5901" and check the radio to local ..
now use tightvncviewer server as "localhost:1"
and voila u r done !!
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