Help needed with Macros coding


The thing is i have a excel file which consists of many columns ORG_ID_TEXT,Merge Candidate, SP Org ID.

The merge candidate holds values y and n.

I want to output the selected rows in a text file where mergecandidate.value=y.
Thnx in advance
Hey Sudan, here's something to start with
Option Explicit

Public Sub Whatever()
    Dim FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long, lastcol As Long
    Dim towrite As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim arr As Variant
'Need to setup named range properly here for variable row data
    Application.Goto Reference:="CHK"
    FirstRow = Selection(1).Row
    LastRow = Selection(Selection.Count).Row
'get count of used rows
    lastcol = Selection(Selection.Count).Column
'get count of used columns
    Application.Goto Reference:="CHK"
    For i = FirstRow To LastRow
        Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
        towrite = Selection.Value2
'cell comparison
        If UCase(towrite) = "Y" Then
            arr = Selection.EntireRow.Value
            WriteTextFile arr, lastcol
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Public Sub WriteTextFile(ByVal arr As Variant, lastcol As Long)
Dim myfile As String, writestr As String, exist As String
Dim fnum As Integer, i As Integer
    writestr = ""
    myfile = "d:\" & "sample.txt"
    exist = Dir(myfile)
    If Len(exist) = 0 Then
        fnum = FreeFile()
'create new file if doesnt exist
        Open myfile For Output As fnum
        For i = 1 To lastcol
            writestr = writestr & ctstr(arr(1, i)) & ","
        Next i
        Print #fnum, writestr
        Close #fnum
        fnum = FreeFile()
        Open myfile For Append As fnum
'open existing file
        For i = 1 To lastcol
            writestr = writestr & ctstr(arr(1, i)) & ","
        Next i
        Print #fnum, writestr
        Close #fnum
        End If
End Sub
Public Function ctstr(ByVal arrstr As Variant)
'Do somethin extra here for handling decimal points
    If IsNumeric(arrstr) Then
'Str conversion, good to have to get locale-independent data
        ctstr = Str(arrstr)
        ctstr = arrstr
    End If
End Function

BTW guys, this is not a true picture of my programming skills, I'm just not that great with excel vba :ashamed: