Monitors [HELP]PC crashed and monitor showing no signal


I was listening to songs when suddenly my pc crashed with stuttering audio and since then when i switch on my pc there is no output. the smps is working, the LEDs on my mobo n gfx card is working. could it be the SMPS??
I have
saphire 5770
quad 4 @ 2.6ghz
4gb ram
gigabyte ep45c
CM 600 extreme
win 7 x64

any ideas on how can i detect the failing hardware. i dont wana carry the whole cabinet to the shop cuz i stay in gr noida n taking it to noida will be painful.
reseat you pcie card and boot your system with a single RAM stick.
if it doesn't work ,use your friend's PSU and see if your system boots or not.
There are beeps the motherboard makes indicating errors or a successfull boot.check for them. Also,resetting the jumper has worked for me many times.