PC Peripherals Help purchasing battery for APC 850va inverter


I am from Hyderabad and I am thinking about purchasing the following inverter by APC: http://www.apc.com/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=BI850SINE

I have tried contacting many dealers here in Hyderabad but none of them have batteries available by APC. Few of them recommended I use batteries of other brands like Exide or Luminious however APC's documentation explicitly says that the inverter should only be used with APC batteries.

Anyone over here has experience with this?

Here's an excerpt from APC's manual:

"Caution: The Home UPS must be connected to an appropriate battery. Use APCbranded batteries because the charging output characteristics of the Home UPS arespecifically designed to match APC branded batteries, ensuring the quickest rechargetimes and longest overall lives."
however APC's documentation explicitly says that the inverter should only be used with APC batteries.
"Caution: The Home UPS must be connected to an appropriate battery.
It explicitly says "appropriate" battery, not APC battery.
This is the standard "buy our battery for best results" sales pitch. As long as you match the battery specs in the manual you should be fine. I'm guessing there are people who can't read battery specs, and for them the APC battery option is easier.
What your friends were suggesting is this:

Usually if you buy luminous inverter with Exide battery. If there's any fault with Inverter, company servicing people find a problem and refuse to repair/replace the faulty piece because of different company's battery.

I don't think its a big issue now , you can go with Exide or reputed batteries without much thinking.