HELP!!-regarding AJAX

hey peeps..
i've decided to do my final year project using AJAX-Asynchronous java and xml..
i've planned to design a web site for reserving railway tickets..
I have absolutely no idea abt wht software is required to code in ajax..
so plzz help!! .. pls tell me wht needs to be done.. step by step..
wht books are needed.. wht software i need to study.. how long will it take to design a simple site...
AJAX is not something new... Its just that the hype is very huge around it... Its just use of Javascript with any server-side scripting language. The most important component XMLHttpRequest has been in place since the early IE 5.0 and also in Outlook 2000.

So u really dont have to learn much for coding AJAX. But it does make web-apps look faster without the need to load the whole page again!!
Doubleseven said:
I'm doin my final year B.E in SSN coll of engg. comp Sci branch..
I've decided do my final year project in AJAX..
i've planned to design a website for booking tickets..
Whr do i start..??
wht shld i study??..
how much time will it take to implement the project??
can u pls help me out??


hi ,
nice to hear from some1 in chennai . i just passed out of that city myself last year .

Im gonna post this to the thread so that more users on TE might find it useful.

Ajax is just an alternate client-server information retrieval method. so instead of requesting for the whole page,and then load that page - you can request for data alone preferably in text or in xml . so my suggestion to you is that to go for something more complex . ticket booking systems are rather simple for a final year project.

if you really want to explore the advantages that come with real-time ajax transactions ,go for something that needs ...well more real-time demands.

here are some more challenging web based experiments you can try for your project:
1 ) auction system that auto updates when some1 bids.
2 ) stock quote terminal that autoupdates, and sends you an SMS to buy ,sels quotes when they hit peak values.
3 ) or a text-to-speech rss reader that used the SAPI /JAPI / SALT .
4 ) or a web based auto-graph generator that builds the heart pulse based on data from - a file/ a remote source / parallel port connected device.

or ideally more theoretical based projects .search the threads for such titles . Otherwise if yo u still insist on ajax then interesting ones i can think of are :

1 ) web-based real-time graphical representation of the travelling salesman problem & its analysis .
=>this could involve maybe a canvas api (java swing /javascript/ svg ) , doing some DB connection maybe with ajax that posts the inputs to a server side page (maybe php/ ruby / perl/python/jsp /aspx ) and then does the algorithm to fix it and then return it in real time to show it right on the web page .

2 ) real-time scheduling of hospital resources towards earthquake victims.
=> this could probably again use some algorithm for scheduling (read what all u can use in wikipedia to get a gist ) . You can then use a mashup of google /yahoo / msn / maps to highlight earthquake /other event .then u could raise a trigger that starts your main program ,and blha blah balh...

free your mind :)

hmmmm...wait i'm on a roll.....

Basically the skeleton of any good project/ paper in my view is a triple-whammy pattern.

ie ....
3 terms to state the topic ,
3 terms to rule your project.

Construction ogf your project
  • 1. one fundamental concept
  • 2. one hot concept
  • 3. one concept to bind them all ! fundamental concept - the backbone !
like in the examples ive made - travelling salesman or public key encryption ....or sliding window or..... greedy algirithm... hot concept - the sidekick !
in your case i guess it could be ajax ..... others i can think of could be bluetooth , wi-max and so on that are basically glossy terms that are more hype than the intricate reasoning . concept to bind them all - the verb!
ok so now we need to connect these two do we do it. primarily this is the place to free your mind . thats right go ga-ga with the combinations of things you can do ....

here are some highly exaggerated examples (that just might work in a couple of years from now :p) :
  • - Computing under-water salt content using distributed computers
  • - Challenging Moore's law with highly viscous vaseline : An overclocking Experiment
  • - analysis of the use of monads in building a functional programming language for robots
  • - Round robin based compilation for a Polyglot
    (A program in eight languages)
  • - A keyword Aggregating server farm built on the whitespace programming language
  • - comparing "ajax client-server requests using Y-combinator algorithms" with the speed of light!

So there you go ...wicked ....?! I know :)Other Resourcex
1.How i stumbled upon ajax
2.Round-up of 30 AJAX Tutorials

I suggest reading thought Steve Yeggie's post on an introduction on a few programming languages , and the original ajax post by the guy who coined it , going through wikipedia in helping you through your skeleton plan , and staying tuned to techenclave

hey bosky n all u ppl out ther ,

:) thanks for the reply.... lemme give u the situation of our proj now... we r asked to analyze the performance of a website one of which designed using ajax n another website which is done in the usual way... so v hav to design two websites seperately...v hav to chk the performance on the basis of response time , bandwidth usage n load time... so v r now havin an idea of designing 2 websites for reservation , one of which uses ajax n the other doesnt.... :( v hav jus 2 months v thought this try wud b good enough... wat do u ppl say ? any suggestions ??