Help regarding TC installation



I recently reinstalled xp on my system and cannot seem to run TC 3.0 now... The moment I click on the TC icon, the whole screen becomes black and when I press any key or Alt+Enter, the whole thing just dissapears and I'm back on my desktop....

This issue apart, before this installation I was not able to initialize graphics in TC. Whenever I tried to run a program with graphics in it, there was just a blank screen...:mad:

What can be the problem?? Is this a problem because I've got an external GPU? My rig (if it helps) is-

C2D e6300
1 gig RAM
160 HDD
EVGA 7900 GS
Please need some replies fast as I've got my internals in a week... :(

TC has some problems with recent graphics card. Even i faced a similar kind of problem, but couldn't fix it. Ended up using BC and Dev c++ in the end.

And btw, any particular reason for using TC only??
checksum said:
TC has some problems with recent graphics card. Even i faced a similar kind of problem, but couldn't fix it. Ended up using BC and Dev c++ in the end.

And btw, any particular reason for using TC only??

No particular reason as such... But as the practicals are held on TC, so was using it..:p .

Is there any other compiler/IDE that I can use for running programs with graphics in them? I would be more than happy to use it..:eek:hyeah:
Arya said:
Try running in compatibility mode.

Done that man.. does not help..:(
Try changing the resolution of your screen, TC has a bullshit thing of not opening with certain resolutions and generally causing a muckup.

Try Dev-C++ from Bloodshed, or you could just use good old Borland. I use both, depending on what mood I'm in. ;D

But yeah, if your practicals are held in TC, I suggest you use it for now because then you can get a bit more familiar with the IDE and stuff. The watch window and all that is pretty okay.
Avtar said:
Try changing the resolution of your screen, TC has a bullshit thing of not opening with certain resolutions and generally causing a muckup.

Try Dev-C++ from Bloodshed, or you could just use good old Borland. I use both, depending on what mood I'm in. ;D

But yeah, if your practicals are held in TC, I suggest you use it for now because then you can get a bit more familiar with the IDE and stuff. The watch window and all that is pretty okay.

The main problem is that I need to initialise graphics on my comp... so I need an IDE in which I do all that.. any suggestions??
Avtar said:
If you read my post again you'll see I mentioned Dev-C++ by Bloodshed, and Borland C++.

Sorry, didn't know you had already taken the graphics thing into consideration...:ashamed: ... k, will give it a shot...

@Avtar & reef_d : Thanks a lot guys.. Will try it out and report back..:D
Try this.

Options->Linker->Libraries (enable the graphics library)


Copy all the contents of the bgi dir in TC folder to other folders such as bin, include etc (it works with one but I am not sure which one).
I tried everyone's solutions but could not get them to work... :(

@Avtar & reef_d - I could have used Dev C++ but I need to get used to the TC environment so I don't goof up in the exam while debugging etc

So.... You may think this is ridiculous, but a desperate mind comes up with a solution.. no matter how dumb it sounds.. :p

1. Installed VMWare.
2. Then installed Win XP over it.. :D
3. Then ran TC with graphics without any problems... since VMWare doesn't use the external GPU unless you install the VMWare tools...:hap2: :cool2:

It did take some time and some explaining to my friend who got scared that I had just 3.5 gb left on my disk:p (since I only created C: having 3.5 gb).

But at the end of the day.. it worked and I'm happy...:)

Anyways,Thanks a lot guys!