Help With ASP.NET


Hi friends, I'm doing a project in ASP.NET. I got stuck in some parts. Please help me out.

1. Validation Expressions:

A. Username : Alphanumeric, underscore(_), dot(.) is allowed. Cant start undersore and dot(I mean must start with alphabets or numerics). Length must be between 6-20.​

B. Password : Alphanumeric and any other special charachters between length of 6-20​

2. Captcha : Can I use captcha or any sort of it to add the feature of spam control??

I wont be uploading this to web. Just running with ASP.NET's inbuilt development server. I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

Any help or even links would be appriciated.
Thanks for the recaptcha link. Any link for Regular Expression will really be helpfull. I'm trying from tomorrow night. But nothing found exact for my queries.