Monitors Help with monitor

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i need a monitor 17" crt flat monitor which supports 1280x1024@75hz ...........

budget < 8-9k

have been searching for one and found Acer good is it and how much does it cost?

is there monitor better than this avaliable ?

well i guess the r8es r ard 5-6k...since site cost r really high........but u shd go keeping that in mind....since it varies largely frm state to state...

i also heard good reviews abt acer 715.....but check first whether its available in your area or not.....when i tried to find them dealer told me samsung has good support service so went against it
got the 798mb plus .....nbut the site samsung site has wrong specifications ...

its max resolution is 1280x1024@60 hz
Don't know if this is an isolated case but my 4 year old syncmaster 750s can do 72hz at 1280x960 as long as I the generic drivers that come with xp.
Only works at 1280x960, at 1280x1024 it's 60hz max.

If it doesn't work, you can always use powerstrip and manually bump it upto 75hz.
Get the Acer AF715, it's a great monitor and I'll vouch for it. I remember doing the monitor comparison for CHIP sometime last year and found it easily the best of the lot. It does 1600x1200 at 75Hz, with the generic drivers. What else could you want?
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