Review Help with TNT / Cart2India shipping

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drinks like a fish
Hey guys

I bought the Nexus 7 from indiatimes shopping (fulfilment by Cart2India) almost 3 weeks back. When I'd bought it, it said 14-15 days delivery :mad:

On august 7th afternoon, yesterday, the status changed from 'With Customs' to 'In Local Transit'; But since yesterday I haven't been able to track the package.

I called Cart2India directly on their support number and they've provided me a 9-digit TNT consignment number which doesn't seem to be working.

I've read elsewhere that locally they ship via bluedart :confused1: So can anybody with experience of Cart2India or TNT tell me if they really ship products via TNT or if TNT takes 24 hours to update their website?

Pester Cart2India about the TNT courier. They in turn will pester TNT and get the status updated ASAP.
It showed up on the TNT website last night just as they said it would though it was a day late. 10pm I went the local processing center to pick it up myself.

Its so awesome!
Hi mohit,
I also ordered the tablet on 28july.. Date of delivery was 15 Aug but it is still not shipped yet.. Do u suggest I cancel the order? I really want the tablet and can't wait.. Please help.
Also could u give me Cart2india no as I couldn't find it anywhere.
Hi mohit,
I also ordered the tablet on 28july.. Date of delivery was 15 Aug but it is still not shipped yet.. Do u suggest I cancel the order? I really want the tablet and can't wait.. Please help.
Also could u give me Cart2india no as I couldn't find it anywhere.

Call them and ask. Have you got your chronos tracking number yet?
Cart2India +91-80-49330000
i got my chronos tracking number on friday i.e 17th ... today as on 21st it says its under customs clearance.

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i got my chronos tracking number on friday i.e 17th ... today as on 21st it says its under customs clearance.
i got my chronos tracking number on friday i.e 17th ... today as on 21st it says its under customs clearance.

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i got my chronos tracking number on friday i.e 17th ... today as on 21st it says its under customs clearance.

That's very late, I ordered mine on 19th and got the tracking number on 31st.

They've provided you the number after almost 3 weeks.

Depending on where you live, you should get it in about a week to 10 days
I called them up today and they said they'll hand over the package to tnt tomorrow or day after... Should get it within the week.... Let's hope they keep their word this time.
Cart2india send me a wrong tablet case for my sony S 16gb tablet and now they are not ready to refund. They told me you can do whatever you want. In India nothing can happen to us. Government is also corrupt so what can you do to them. In the same way you cant do anything to us. You came to us to purchase the stuff, we didn't forced you to buy from us.
well I had ordered some Millet Spray [Pet Bird food] from Cart2india and it was an expired product with insects moving in it.I shipped it back and got a refund.Didnt have to go through a lot of trouble.Always buy through ebay.Paisapay rocks !
I though birds ate insects. o_O

well I had ordered some Millet Spray [Pet Bird food] from Cart2india and it was an expired product with insects moving in it.I shipped it back and got a refund.Didnt have to go through a lot of trouble.Always buy through ebay.Paisapay rocks !
Ya lol some types of birds do eat insects but millet spray aint suppose to have insects and the breed of bird I have doesnt eat insects just seeds and fruits and veggies.
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