Hi..I am new here and am kinda suprised that my username was available


Hi guys..

I just joined TE. Saw a wide variety of forums out here and thought I might as wwll join the community..

Well, about me. I was a light gamer till some time back. Sorta graduated to upper-mid range gaming now. :eek:hyeah:
But I am still new to many of the hardware out there. learning day by day..
Am living in Chennai. I recently built a new system. AMD dragon platform.
I guess I will be focussing more on the hardware forums.

And one more thing. DNFTT. I wish there wont be much spammers, which I doubt..:S Hoping for some exciting things here. Will be posting my rigs and other details soon. Not to leave alone any issues I may face with my rig. ;)

btw Chennai Super Kings Rockz :eek:hyeah: :cool2: