Audio Hi Need suggestions for speakers

Hi.. guys...
Heres the situation. Theres an art gallery and spread out over 3 floors with a total area of 2400 sq. feet. Now we need embedded speakers for the ceiling and walls... for some piped music like in a hotel lobby etc. Wat sort of speakers would you guys recommend. It needs to be embedded though.
Thanx a lot waiting for your replies.
Anish said:
Sonodyne if excellent, look at JBL and Polk Audio also :)

Costlier lot... Sonodyne n even Denon mite do... But Denon bundles it as a 5.1 system I believe...

Not sure...
it'll depend on the budget and the aesthetics required but for VFM, I'd suggest sonodyne too.. whatever budget you have.. I would never recommend Bose though.
The Bose in-ceiling stuff isn't too bad. Their consumer stuff sucks though, and places which buy consumer lifestyle sytems for installation really suffer bad sound quality issues. In the installation market they're somewhat better, but I don't know how they're priced.

I've heard Jamos which are well-priced and sound reasonably good. The best SQ from in-ceiling I've heard are from B&W actually, but that may be expensive. I don't know, as I've never shopped for this sort of stuff.

Again, what's your budget? number of units you need? Colour of the walls? Are you looking at only celings, or ceiling + wall?

Normally you'd get an installer to design the whole system for you in consultation with an architect. Advice from here is like trying to prescribe medicine after seeing the colour of your pee.
Sangram, what's with colour of walls? You get the speaker grills in diff colours, and some even allow you to paint over them.
Umm, kind of why I asked. With arch audio it's best to match the grill colours at install. Wall paint doesn't hold good on the finish of arch audio speakers, and this is an art gallery. I think aesthetics are terribly important in this particular case.

Therefore it's better to look for speakers with the original wall colour. Ihis is obviously less important with ceiling speakers. Which is why I recommended he ask architect and installer.

I noticed the TS hasn't replied even once, I'll assume he's found his answer here or elsewhere. So I'm done here.