HOW: convert PHP HTML to WML ?


PC enthusiast since MS DOS 5

I am building a WAP site for an existing website runs with PHP+MySQL.

As usual, existing content is rich-html format.
How to convert that HTML content to standard WML format ?

pls help me out.
I have some experience in churning out dynamic content in WML/xHTML and can give you some pointers. But from your problem statement, it looks like you have static content that needs to be converted to WML. So, some extra work might be required for this.

As you know that WML will be device dependent. Some WML tags won't be understood by certain devices. So we use WURFL WURFL to find out the device capabilities. Then there is WALL (Wireless Abstraction Library). This provides tags that can be written once and these are converted on the fly as per the device capabilities by the wall libraries... WALL Tutorial

Play around with these and see if it works for you.