How do you bring about selling your old stuff?


I haven't sold that many things in general and most of the time there are plenty of mental blocks. I'm curious about the mindset of people who sell often.

When I have a bunch of things laying about:

1. I think if they might be useful later on and therefore it should be kept. Or if I'd end up having to buy it again as a result. There have been a few (rare) occasions where something laying in the closet came handy.

2. I think of the selling price, about how meagre it is compared to the original price. When it's low enough, it doesn't seem worth selling at all.

3. All the hassle of bargaining. I haven't haggled much, especially given the curated online world and malls with shops that have fixed listings.
I think that mostly you won't be needing the item if you've already bought a replacement.
I personally believe in selling the stuff which I don't need. Otherwise it just collects dust and depreciate in value.
There are very rare cases when it might come in handy, but if we start thinking in that direction then we'll end up hoarding a lot of stuff in the long run.
I very rarely sell old PC stuff. I give it away to someone who needs it. Mobiles generally get circulated among family members. I held on to my old GPU HD7850 as a backup given how crazy the market is these days. Olx is an easy way.