Other How feasible are phones for niche market?


Brutally Honest
Just wondering out of curiosity if its feasible for companies to launch a phone targetting a small niche market and if yes how feasible they are. Because i see that people out there buys literally anything and everything! Everywhere! From the el-cheapo chinese crap to the premium models, from very basic phones to full-features phones etc.

Niche market as in improving on one area while compromising another feature. For example, give a simple plain vanilla UI while improving the battery life. Or give a high-performance camera quality (no megapixel bs) but with a not-so-good battery. Can selfie smartphones really be considered a "niche"? Obviously there needs to be a compromise made to be able to keep prices affordable else its going to end up a flagship lol. However the features which they are made for and promoted should hold true in real-world values.

Discussion for knowledge and research. :D