How to avoid spam calls and SMSs on Vodafone?

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I used to receive only one or max. two marketing calls and SMSs every day but for the last 3-4 weeks I have been receiving not less than one dozen SMSs and calls every single day. Bastards even send SMS in the middle of the night and keep calling even after I flatly say a big NO.

I had alled some "do not call" number some months ago to remove my mobile number from the marketing database but even then they keep calling and spamming.

I called the Vodafone helpline (111) but everything is an automated voice response and there is no way to speak with a proper person.. how can I stop all these messages and calls? Next time someone calls me, I am going to give them some big fat gaalis. :mad:
Register for DND service. Also when I call vodafone, there is an option to speak to the customer support staff in every sub-menu :S
To avoid unwanted telemarketing calls, register your Vodafone number in NDNC Registry - call 1909 (toll tree) or sms START DND on 1909 (toll free). And in case you want to de-register yourself from the NDNC registry sms STOP DND to 1909 (toll free).

Note: Requests will become effective in 45 days from the date of request.

Worked for me and it's been a year now !
I too used to get loads of em on my phone!

Then i installed 'SMS spam manager' and 'best blacklist'!

Peace of mind ever since!! :D
Telemarketer: "Hi, my name is Julie and I’m with Dodger & Peck Services….

You: "Hang on a second." (few seconds pause) "Okay, (in a really husky voice) what are you wearing?"

p_sam21 said:
Telemarketer: "Hi, my name is Julie and I’m with Dodger & Peck Services….

You: "Hang on a second." (few seconds pause) "Okay, (in a really husky voice) what are you wearing?"


She wouldn't be surprised. :rofl:

Oh Behave !
to speak to the customer care from 111 , i just choose 1 for the language , 5 for the other services and 1 for the loss of sim card , connects me to the cust care executive instantly.
What's the procedure for Airtel, if anyone's done it? Can't stand the automated multiple choice customer care calls :p!
^^Thanks. I just tried it and got a reply that the number is already registered :p. It seems I'd already registered earlier. Is there any other procedure to be done to block smses? It's my wife's number and she's been getting all these smses with offers to chat with obscene nicks.
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