Android How to backup open tabs of browsers?


4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.

i need to reformat my old phone & install a custom ROM this time. however prior that, there's a seemingly heavy task at my hand - backing up my browsers' open tabs (alongwith other folder-data that i can anyway backup through windows file-explorer). am mostly talking about 'mainstream' browsers like chrome, brave, firefox. they have hundreds of open tabs in my phone. one way to back them up is to bookmark them, but that will be way too time-consuming. other i guess could be to log into my browser-accounts on some PC, and sync those tabs with my PC's browsers? is there any better & convenient method that anyone can think of & has applied earlier? pls advise..

Like you pointed out, most browsers allow you to create profiles which will allow to to do exactly what you want to do.

Since you are talking about a phone, most extensions do not work, unless you are using something like kiwi browser.

No other easier way comes to mind.

And just to be safe, create profiles and make sure you open the browsers on a PC to see if the sessions have been safely restored before you wipe the phone.

Or you could backup the entire app data of the browser and import it onto the new phome. This is definitely wonkier, and would be my second option.