PC Peripherals How to best run case fans if board doesn't have enough headers? +Q about RGB controller

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Mostly harmless.

Apologies if this is in the wrong section. I have a case that came with 3 preinstalled fans, 1 rear, 2 back, but the board I have (Asus H510M-E) appears to have only 1 case fan header. How best can I run the other fans? I've heard it's not recommended to run multiple fans off one header using a splitter due to possible overdraw of current. Is this correct?

Additionally the case came with what looks to be an addressable RGB controller like this, but I have no clue what to plug in where in it, and there's nothing in the manual. Is this only for RGB control or can it used to power the fans? I don't want RGB on at all. The case is the Silverstone Fara H1M. If needed, I can upload some pictures of the splitter.

Thanks for any help!
On most motherboards the 4 pin fan header has a max output of 1amp so you'll be fine running 3-4 fans off it(unless you're running some industrial fans or something). Can you see if your case has a fan splitter? If not then you can get a 1 to 3 pwm splitter off of amazon.
Thank you. So the ARGB controller can only power/control the ARGB LEDs on the fans, not the fans themselves?

While the above are good but a cheaper option would be this : https://www.amazon.in/Splitter-Adapter-Fan-Extension-Way/dp/B07DJDZSFV
I've bought one in the past and the build quality feels very premium for the price, just make sure to get the the 1 to 3 splitter instead of the 1 to 2 splitter.
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