PC Peripherals How to choose a Razer Gaming Mouse

HI GUYS I AM NEW TO TECHENCLAVE.THIS ARE SOME TIPS FOR CHOOSING A RAZER MOUSE ^^ Usually the mouse depends on what type of the game you play(exp-FPS,MMO)Lets start this MMO first.For MMO,Naga is recommended because it has number keys on the side of your mouse,takes less energy than stretching your hand to press the number keys on the keyboard.There are 3 types of Razer Naga-Molten,Hex and Epic.One of them is more expensive than the other 2,while 2 are same price.There is one of them that is also compatible with MOBA/RTS.The one with the number keys on the side of the mouse that is shaped such that it forms a circle in the middle of the number keys.Now lets move on to Gaming on the go.That means that even though you are in public with a laptop,you still can game on with some types of Gaming mouses,called Optical Gaming Mouse.The one that i recommend for Laptop and Gaming on the go,is none other than Orochi.It has a long battery life and not too big and still effective for gaming.Last but not least,and the one that i wanted to say the most,is the FPS.For FPS,i recommend Deathadder and Abyssus.(I'm going with Deathadder)What i am going to say now is why i prefer Deathadder than Abyssus.The abilities of both mouses are stated in there.The reason why i prefer Deathadder is that it is good for headshots due to good drift-control.Not to forget Abyssus ability,is that Abyssus has a good and fast clicking response so you would be a gunshot ahead of an enemy.Think about it,Headshots will cause the enemy to die immediately,with just A bullet.But even if you shot more bullets on the enemy,you might still die,because of the guns.Do you get what i mean?It is a fact that in FPS,headshots will cause immediate death,no questions about it.But even if you shoot more bullets on the enemy,you can still die.And some bullets like 3 extra bullets shot on the enemy has little effect.Then why do you think there is such thing as "backstab" fail?Backstab means to shoot or attack an enemy behind or without the enemy noticing.Extra bullets shot on the enemy will make the enemy 70% chance to die,but for headshots it will be a 99-100% chance of the enemy to die.And some fun facts-Deathadder has buttons on the side of the mouse and a ergonomic grip under for longer fingers,while Abyssus has not.And Deathadder has a left handed edition,to those reading this who thinks that Abyssus is better in Ambidextrous-ness.So this is the end,and most importantly i would like to thank Razer for their awesome and amazing designs on their awesome mouse.Credits to all of these goes to Razer,i found some of these facts stated in their website.And i also hope that you know know what mouse to choose.Actually for Ambidextrous-ness,i think that Ouroboros puts other Ambi' mouses to shame.And for Ergo',the war continues with the the two deadly snakes,the one with high venom to kill called Taipan,and the adder of Death of the year called Deathadder.