Monitors How to clean lcd screen ?

There is a less sophisticated and cheaper solution -proven in 2 years of use by me to clean my 4 LCD screens.
Mix- 2 Parts of Rubbing Alchohol-10cc ( available from chemists -blue colored-Rs. 30 for 100ml.)
with 1 Part Distilled water ( INJECTION WATER AMPULE-5ML) Rs. . 3
and apply on an old washed cotton hankie. Clean your LCD screen.
No streaks- no smears- cleanest screen possible.
Do not - repeat not-use Colin or other liquid cleaners.
U can just wet a lint free piece of cloth and squeeze it dry. Then wipe ur LCD with that. Read it somewhere in some guide on the net or some mag, n it's serving me very well.
just use any old damp cloth thats all i have used for years now.just make sure it is clean and squeeze it nicely. damp and not wet

then use a dry soft cloth and buff the screen dry to remove any streaks
Dip banyan in some water and use. If its cotton that will absorb then that works best.

The streaks are just dust, wipe it off and use a cleaner portion to finish it off.

Nothing fancy required.
start with damp, then less damp and finally dry, tho i never get to the dry part as the water evaporates readily anyway.
ya the damp cloth shud be pretty good enough for cleaning ur LCD..

or a slightly better option wud be Microfibre cloth insdtead of a damn one.
The key is to have a cloth that can absorb (cotton is ideal), therefore no mixtures or synthetics should be used.
OMG.... Such a fuss over cleanin a mere LCD... [:p]

A damp cloth is all tats reqd... Why wud anyone want alchol+ distilled water???
the microfibre cloth used to be available easily in mumbai @ LR... but they dont have it in ready stock anymore