Storage Solutions How to dissemble a Toshiba External HDD?


[Not sure which subforum to post this]

I have a Toshiba Ext HDD of 1TB size. It died on me recently. I wanted to disassemble and salvage the parts but I am unable to find help from internet. I didn't find any screws and no hooks whatsoever.

Does any body have the idea to disassemble the HDD enclosure ? [pics attached]

See if there are screws hidden below those plastic plugs on bottom of case.
If not then see if you can pry the edges a bit near the black and white plastic.
Easiest would be if you find phillips/torx head screws under the 4 plastic "legs", but I can see that one of the plastic legs is off position so I'm guessing you already checked there and found no screws. Other thing to look for is a joint in the grey plastic part along the sides and try to pry it open. I had a Seagate USB HDD a long time back that was sealed that way; it was really tough opening that case :sour:
Another very basic suggestion, hope you checked the warranty. The HDD looks pretty recent, it should still be under warranty right?
No warranty. It was a gift, although I have used it for a only 15 hours. Anyway I found a youtube link to open. I managed to open it up, breaking one of those plastic legs.
Thanks for the replies.
No warranty. It was a gift, although I have used it for a only 15 hours. Anyway I found a youtube link to open. I managed to open it up, breaking one of those plastic legs.
Thanks for the replies.
you would still have warranty even if its a gift. Warranty is based on serial number now(in most cases). Well there is no point in discussing that now is there, since you already opened the casing.