Monitors How to Setup DualHead resolutions on 2x lcd


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Hi t.e member

I am already back to chennai :D

also already got the stuff worth 41k form kuala lumpar Malaysian (P.S the custom duty allow physician people upto 50k so the airport office security allow inside the airport :clap: and i carry more than 55 KG alone :hap5:

i already setup the dual lcd monitor 24 dell S2409W and another proview 22 size

at resolutions 1680x1050 cause my old lcd 22 size support max 1680 resut

my system config show at my Signature detail
i check the dual setup are ok but not support DualHead resolutions not sure

where i found the link

can anyone give me guides how to setup dualhead resolutions for 2 lcd at

scale dual size at

3200 x 1200 (2 x 1600 x 1200) 60Hz

3360 x 1050 (2 x 1680 x 1050) 60Hz

^ this image show halflife 2 games at dual head :)

p.s i Google many website but some confused for power desk software apps :S

so i need the guides for setup dual head setup if any link possible :)


past 3 day no help :|

btw i tried Google i found HYDRAVISION for ATI card but it does not work 4xxx serial due to driver issue got signal problem at dual heal lcd :(

if anyone has dualhead i need some experiment post :)