htpc done!


finally built it today after changing the config umpteen times :p

config is
amd athlon x2 4600
gigabyte 780g + asus hd3450 hybrid cf :bleh:
2gb ddr2 800
500gbx2 hdds
lg gh20ns sata dvdrw
silverstone fp33-s 3 fan controller
sunbeam fan controller+card reader
3x80mm panaflo, 60mm nidec, 120mm delta
zebby cube
corsair vx450w

bad quality pics :p

gmano said:
congrats, why dont you post your whole setup.. your LCD, arrangements of the speakers et all :))
this is the only thing done :p was going to get the hitachi 42" full hd lcd, but the plasmas looks so much better and a 52" plasma is out of my budget right now :(
so currently its hooked up to my 29" crt :rofl:
btw will there be a huge difference in quality between a full hd and a 720p plasma?
@ankit, assembled the whole thing and then decided to take pics, was too lazy to open it again. will post pics with a digcam in a few days
@whatsinaname, the cube cost me 2k :)
@Anish = he picked up the 640 GB WDs from Amarbir. 4600 each excl. shipping.

@Appo - not much of a difference, what screen size are you looking at, and which models? As discussed, check out those 07 Panasonics or the Hitachi.
looks ok- specs seem good- setup seems very good. :)
Awaits 'certification of excellence' from me. :p
Demo Demo Demo- get a panel fast fast fast. :D
Quad Master said:
Congrats on ur HTPC.

Some more screenshots of the inside and front of the cube please.

And the damages.
[OT]lol ..
some more 'screenshots' of the cube ??
Are you smokin' weed Quaddy? :rofl: :rofl:[/OT]

btw.. very nice setup there..