HTPC / NAS / Network Chain PC


At last .. My new windows machine. .
i will mainly use it as NAS to run Vienna Ensemble pro with the PC connected to my Mac Pro . Thats for audio.

It will also serve as my HTPC :p

Config -

AMD 1100 T BE
GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket AM3 - GA-880GM-USB3 (rev. 1.x)
Corsair XMS3 8 GB 1333 - 2 sticks 4 gig each
Corsair VX 450
EMU 1212 M
WD 2*2TB Black , 1TB Black , 640 AAKS
Vienna Ensemble Pro 3 computer license Vienna Symphonic Library - Vienna Ensemble Pro
LG Dvd Writer
Thermalright TRU 90
ATI 5650 Graphics card
Sony EX700 40"

I have started to put the HW in the box .
The board
Pretty cool board and stable as well . Got USB 3 too :)

Processor and TRU 90


Hard Drives
That 2 TB one is new . One more will arrive in a day or two . . Other hdd's are old ones.

And The build

Soundcard , gfx card and other stuffed placed in . .

The final thing :p
