HTPC with Windows 7 + XMBC

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MCITP 2008
I have used my spare system which is an AMD Phenom II X4 955 as a HTPC with Windows 7 Ultimate & XMBC. Would like to know what settings I should configure so that the system lasts longer.

I've disabled Hibernation mode, Enabled Sleep in 20 Minutes if not in use. anything else i should do except that?






looks good, however i'd dual boot it with xbmcbuntu, and not run windows 7 under xbmc

i prefer the xbmcbuntu ( running as a dual boot)
Nothing much. Keep hibernation enabled, its good IMO.

I would advice to use 'wake on lan' with 'unified remote' apps for remote shutdown and switch on.
#[member='babhishek'] No Offence, I like windows, if an app is not on windows, i don't use it.

Plus i don't have a keyboard / mouse attached to the system / a wireless one. I could buy one but i don't want to sit on the couch with a keyboard & mouse in my hand.

XMBC & Unified remote is set to auto start with windows, so it automatically launches both of them & gives me full control on the XBMC app for Android & the Unified Remote in Windows.

I would have considered Linux if it was a Atom / Athlon Processor, but for a X4 & 4GB windows 7 would be the better option.

#[member='vivek.krishnan'] I was trying to get it to work, i even downloaded an android app "Wake on Lan" for it but it doesn't seem to send a signal, WOL is enabled in BIOS as well. So i have to use the regular switch for now.

Do you think Hibernate in 20 minutes instead of Sleep? is there even an option to do that, as i could only find sleep time.

I did time it though resuming from a hibernation takes about 25 secs & starting normally takes 31secs so i think i am ok with starting normally
Weird, WOL works for me very nicely. What router are you using?

As for hibernation over shutting down, its your choice. But disable the hybrid sleep option in power settings to see direct hibernation option
^ Dlink DIR 600 with a WRT firmware & a Dlink 1008D 1Gbps Switch & weirdly now i can't seem to find the option to switch on / off the WOL
IMO the switch may not be forwarding the packets properly. There was mention about the same for some differant router
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