Review a lier do not trust him

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1 week back I got my 60k pamphlets printed for job vacancies and was looking for insertion service. I paid this guy Mr Rahul from Pamphlet Insertion/Pamphlet Distribution Service In Mumbai,India full cash Rs 21000. His man had came at my home to collect the money. I thought by distributing 60000 Pamphlets I would at least receive 10% of the calls from the young people who need jobs as there are vacancies in many call centre available.

But 4 days have passed and just received 3 calls in past 100 hrs till now. 1 of the call was from printing agency that if you want to print such kinda pamphlet please do let us know. His just dial information is Pamphlet Insertion Mumbai in Kalbadevi, Mumbai | Pamphlet Insertion Services | Justdial

So in past 3 days I hired a team of 10 young people to go and check most of the areas of Thane and buildings where times of India & DNA paper are distributed from past so many years and we found out that none of the pamphlets were distributed in any of those buildings. Out of 60000 Pamphlets just 200 pamphlets were distributed like 5-10 each to chanawalas. One entire bundle of 10000 pamphlets was sold to raddiwala and so on for 50 Rs. and so on. So if you ever think about hiring this person's service do not go for it. His cell number is 9820641555. I asked him to give me atleast 8000-10000 building names where these pamphlets were distributed and he had no answer for that.On top of that he is saying get more pamphlets printed and give me again and I wont charge you a single penny. He himself has got a printing agency and can prove himself by printing and getting it redistributed but he does not have any kind of shame. So Ladies who think about hiring his service do not ever go on any of his sweet talks at all.

In my life I personally deal with such kinda companies and then only I write their reviews so that the other person does not fall into any such kinda trap laid by them.
I will post the pics that he sent me after the distribution was made along with the bill for which I made the payment.


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Ive done this sort of marketing for clients in 5 cities in India. Sadly the only way it works is that you get in touch with local paperguy, have a person of your own go to the central location 3 - 4 am in the morning and overlook the insertion.

Any other way / agency is just to con you.
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