PC Peripherals i have problems with ram


how do i check the ram speed my ram is 800mhz
but when it starts it shows only 652mhz
can anyone tell me wht could be wrong
or is there any software to check the ram speed

i have a transcend 2gb ddr2 jetram 800mhz(single chip)
model no:(jm800qlu-2g)

my motherboard is abit ip35-e
download CPU-Z to check your cpu and ram speeds.

what cpu are u running?

u may need to go into bios settings and tweak the fsb:ram divider if u want ur ram to run at a speed higher than ur cpu fsb.
i have core2 quad q6600
abit ip35-e
transcend 2gb ddr2 800mhz(signle chip)
i am not able to understand how to use cpu z
for checking ram there's a page spd
these are the following i get in the memory



dram fz:408mhz
fsb:dram 2:3
^^ that looks right. your ram frequency is already 400 i.e. DDR2-800

your Q6600 stock fsb is 266mhz, so using the 2:3 divider, your ram is indeed running at 400.