I need your help finding a thief!!


Hey guys, On Monday I discovered my iPod was stolen at my school... Before class I put it in my backpack and after class it was gone. Our school dosn't have lockers, therefore our backpacks are available for anyone to take a peek in them!?!!? I need your guys' help because I have no clue how to find out who it was. My class has only about 29 people and I have no idea who did it! How would I find out who it was and get my iPod back? Any help is much appreciated!
Forget it. The lucky guy got an ipod and you learnt a valuable lesson (hopefully) that its you who need to be more responsible. Now what's the point in suggesting- There's no way he would bring the ipod the next day.
Why take your iPod to school in the first place? Go there to studies and get some non-techie fun - do something prohibited in the science lab, hack your school network, try and pull a couple of pranks on your juniors, or better still, seniors. Don't just plug in your iPod and go into your own make-believe world.

Get real.
I believe that getting an ipod so early in life is pointless. However if you must have it use it after school. You should be concentrating on other things while at school. However if I had to guess, it would be out of your classmates.

Ideally if someone has gone specifically after that object, they would have to know you get an ipod. It also might be someone who sits in the near vicinity. Try and trace to see when was it that you left the bag unattended and who could be the people who may have had access to it.
I think the ipod is long gone now.... the thief will never get it to school and will prolly sell it to one of his friends or in some tech forum....
i think u may even see a Ipod sale here in TE with a lost bill and accessories:S
I have an idea which just might work. You will need to use some other valuable thing you've got as a bait. Use a high end Cell phone or some other gadget you may be having. I am pretty sure that the I-pod thief is one of your classmate and maybe even one of your friend. Now suppose you are using your newly bought mobile as a bait, cover the mobile with plastic cover and just before leaving the classroom spread some ink on the cover. Do this secretly. If you are lucky, the thief may have taken the bait and got his hand messed up in ink. After you return to your class, immediately check your bag, if the phone is missing, immediately inform your teacher and get permission to check everybody's hands, the one with the ink on his hand is your thief. Once you catch him/her, it won't be long before he owns up to stealing your I-pod. Now all this is extremely risky, you might lose another gadget because of this but it might work. This is the only way to catch the thief as I see it.

Best of Luck. :)

P.S : I think using a bait is a good idea but I am not too sure about ink (its messy), any other ideas to identify the thief once he has taken a bait?
The Sorcerer said:
^^ Well that doesn't necessarily mean the kid who will be caught will be the same thief who stole the ipod.

But the chances are that it will be the same kid. Even if you dont hey back you ipod, at the very least a thief will be exposed.

But ya.... risky :p
Bluffmaster said:
I have an idea which just might work. You will need to use some other valuable thing you've got as a bait. Use a high end Cell phone or some other gadget you may be having. I am pretty sure that the I-pod thief is one of your classmate and maybe even one of your friend. Now suppose you are using your newly bought mobile as a bait, cover the mobile with plastic cover and just before leaving the classroom spread some ink on the cover. Do this secretly. If you are lucky, the thief may have taken the bait and got his hand messed up in ink. After you return to your class, immediately check your bag, if the phone is missing, immediately inform your teacher and get permission to check everybody's hands, the one with the ink on his hand is your thief. Once you catch him/her, it won't be long before he owns up to stealing your I-pod. Now all this is extremely risky, you might lose another gadget because of this but it might work. This is the only way to catch the thief as I see it.

Best of Luck. :)

P.S : I think using a bait is a good idea but I am not too sure about ink (its messy), any other ideas to identify the thief once he has taken a bait?

ha ha, is mobile allowed in school these days? I don't think so, that teacher will first slap him, and will say, "Who told you to bring a mobile in school?" :bleh:

That won't work bro...

About the iPod, it's gone bro, he'll never get it in school or nearby you. Most probably, he'll use it in his home.. You can do one thing, You must having a doubt on any of your classmate.. Go to his home and just enter in his bedroom and hunt for iPod.. ;)
Whats to stop the guy from washing his hands in the meanwhile??

And plus this is a school, there'll be lots of kids with ink on their hands anyway!! FAIL :p
Grow up and then get the gadgets, preferably when you yourself start earning. Thats when you know what all planning goes into buying a gadget, most importantly your income should allow you to take one at that time.

Fuhget the ipod...concentrate on studies, get good marks, get in good college, get a good job and earn money and then buy some good stuff then
raksrules said:
Grow up and then get the gadgets, preferably when you yourself start earning. Thats when you know what all planning goes into buying a gadget, most importantly your income should allow you to take one at that time.
Fuhget the ipod...concentrate on studies, get good marks, get in good college, get a good job and earn money and then buy some good stuff then

LOL:U sound like my Uncle:)... let him get whatever he wants... some ppl like music and prefer to listen to it whenever and wherever they go:)
No offence:hap2:

Once u start wrking u may have lots of other responsibilities....Enjoy everyday...that's should be the motto:clap:
"School" does seem kinda early for ipod stuff, as its the time when we actually had megatonnes of fun with friends, teachers, strangers, etc etc...... :)

But if the journey to school is long (abt 20min+) then ipod may count as a basic necessity :)

ANyways kiddo, forget the ipod, the thief will learn his lesson on his own... (Thou shall be punished by God :) )
^^ in that case get a small not so funky MP3 player which fulfills basic needs of music

PS: It was better in school for me, had lots of frnds in Bus to talk to.

BTW not related to this case directly but i have seen small boys around getting expensive stuff at early age bcoz of filthy rich parents, which eventually screwing up themselves. Never do they understand the value of Money.

Lolzzz.got my first mobile (that too Dad gave at the end of my studies), it was that brick nokia 5110 (IIRC). But when earned money bought the Sony ericsson w800i for 17k at that time :eek:hyeah:

It has been more than 3 years and still using that phone....i just love it and more because its from my hard earned money
Well our teacher allows us to play iPod's in class on Fridays so I was thinking that the person might bring it? The kids in my class arn't very smart.... I like the bait idea but my iPod was the only very "flashy" thing I owned because I had to save up for a couple years for it.. :( I was thinking of telling everyone that I reported it to the police to scare them into returning it? I dunno.. Thanks for all the comments :)
learn hoe to read people -
slowly day by day talk with each of u'r classmates and release the topic there-"my ipod was stolen."
it happens rarely but the one who says immidiately "i didn't do that" is one of thew most foolish person on the earth and u'r "gunehgaar" as well.

he may say something related to that so keep u'r ears open:)