Monitors IC Logic board bust for Viewsonic LCD monitor / Repair cost 950 rs. suggestions plz..



So a few days back my monitor did not start.
I thought it was the lcd power supply problem which i had last time so gave it to the mechanic.

Now the mechanic says that the ic logic board of my lcd is bust and that i have to replace it..
The total cost he said is 950 rs.

What should i do ??? is the cost right ???

Re: IC Logic board bust for Viewsonic LCD monitor / Repair cost 950 rs. suggestions p

Mechanic? Why dude why?

Also, whats the screen size and how old is it?
Re: IC Logic board bust for Viewsonic LCD monitor / Repair cost 950 rs. suggestions p

Its Viewsonic VA1912WB about 3.5 yrs old.. no warranty so mechanic..