IE VS FireFox

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so how many of u have switched from IE to firefox ?? ...... i simply love firefox ....... the tabbed browsing and the whole simple look is totally awesome......and to top it all its much more safe and the popup blocked is simply awesome ...... :hap3:

I love using firefox for the tabbed browsing, ad block, popup blocker and its flashgot extension.
But it irritates me when I browse sites when are specifically designed for IE.
Because I can't get away from not haveing to use IE (Windows Update) I use the IE shell Maxthon it has just as many features as Firefox.
where is the option for opera :( my fav. one !!! i am polling for Others !
ramank said:
I love using firefox for the tabbed browsing, ad block, popup blocker and its flashgot extension.
But it irritates me when I browse sites when are specifically designed for IE.

some of the web pages wouldn't look nice on firefox or opera, 'cause they were not designed with firefox in mind!
Well, the title says it all
which is the best browser now?

The thumbnail below is a survey report by W3Schools. According to it, IE6 still rules followed by Firefox and Opera at 2nd and 3rd places respectively. The question now is, for how long? :P

What do you think? Which is ur favourite? Which is the best of em all?
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