If you sweat too much, there are products that reduces the symptoms on Amazon India now.


It's called hyperhidrosis. I used to sweat like a horse if i even took a warm bath or started cleaning my room. Sweat would pour down my head like a waterfall and my whole shirta and back would become wet with sweat.
Found some YouTube videos where US doctors recommended some anti hyper sweat roll on liquid and i searched Amazon India for similar thing and found SweatGo roll on solution. It has both men and female versions available. I'm not plugging this brand, there are others available too. Just saying there's a solution to this problem and you don't have to smell like horrible sweaty unhygienic person. I stopped sweating too much after using this. Now no more sweat smell and even deodrant/ perfume lasts longer. Just shave off all the armpit hair before using this. And as usual, consult a doctor if you're not sure. Hope it helps someone.
I too have similar symptoms. Always sweating and it includes immediately after bath as well.
I heard there could be other reasons for this that might also include being 'unhealthy'.

But if you stop sweating using such things, isn't it a bad thing as well?
Sweat is also considered as a natural way to remove waste and fat. If you stop it forcibly, then whatever waste accumulated is built up and it may lead to some other issues again, isn't it?
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Sweating is in actual helping your KIDNEY to detoxify body, your skin balance load of your kidney by throwing unwanted/excess minerals etc. via sweat, so be careful and watch your kidney health via Blood & urine test (by every 3 months) while keep using that NO SWEAT product.

Do ultrasound of KUB after every 6 month, if you feel pain in back/stomach/groin region (for Kidney & Gallbladder Stones)

I also sweat same like you. Always keep 2 hanky, one regular size in pocket and one medium size in hand to clean sweat. In my family no one sweat like me but they all have few skin/pimple issue.

I too have got skin infection but none last more than a year and pimple never dare to appear on my face till today, even now after shaving if I move out people keep staring at my face glow and my child comment that my face is look like I just visited Parlour and doing very good message & scrub type some costly skin treatment. ;)
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I too have similar symptoms. Always sweating and it includes immediately after bath as well.
I heard there could be other reasons for this that might also include being 'unhealthy'.

But if you stop sweating using such things, isn't it a bad thing as well?
Sweat is also considered as a natural way to remove waste and fat. If you stop it forcibly, then whatever waste accumulated is built up and it may lead to some other skin issues again, isn't it?
Over sweating is also bad for the body. You lose water and have to constantly keep drinking water else you risk water balance in body. Plus bacteria eat the sweat and make you smell really bad. No matter how much you take a bath or use soap, if you start smelling bad after 10 minutes then it's a bigger problem. I get your point but there are advantages and disadvantages of everything imo.

Sweating is in actual helping your KIDNEY to detoxify body, your skin balance load of your kidney by throwing unwanted/excess minerals etc. via sweat, so be careful and watch your kidney health via Blood & urine test (by every 3 months) while keep using that NO SWEAT product.

Do ultrasound of KUB after every 6 month, if you feel pain in back/stomach/groin region (for Kidney & Gallbladder Stones)
Yes, i still drink 2-3 litres of water everyday and it all goes out. I feel my body got used to it because today i didn't use it and i haven't sweat like a dog even after doing some work.
Are you overweight or have higher blood pressure, high blood sugar (prediabetic range) ? Excess sweating also happens when you have high BP or excess fat. Another thing you can try is to reduce carbohydrates to 70-80 gram per day. The reduction in carbs reduces the water content in your body and it also reduces your hydration need. You can give it a try.
But if you stop sweating using such things, isn't it a bad thing as well?
Sweat is also considered as a natural way to remove waste and fat. If you stop it forcibly, then whatever waste accumulated is built up and it may lead to some other issues again, isn't it?
Exactly my concerns too.

If you're sweating its for a reason.

And this condition they mentioned. How do you know if you have it in the first place without consulting a doctor or better still a dermatologist.

I've noticed i can sweat profusely indoors if there is no air circulation. Buy if i get a draft from a fan then I'm fine. The temperature difference can't be much but the body response is interesting in either case
Over sweating is also bad for the body. You lose water and have to constantly keep drinking water else you risk water balance in body. Plus bacteria eat the sweat and make you smell really bad. No matter how much you take a bath or use soap, if you start smelling bad after 10 minutes then it's a bigger problem. I get your point but there are advantages and disadvantages of everything imo.

Yes, i still drink 2-3 litres of water everyday and it all goes out. I feel my body got used to it because today i didn't use it and i haven't sweat like a dog even after doing some work.
I agree with you that water keep kidney healthy, but like various other health issues, kidney too start showing symptoms very very late and some time in last stage, so be cautious and keep doing testing quarterly if you decide to keep using that medicine.

Also in your region, I found too many kidney care hospitals/clinics etc.. It's very strange for me as compare to my region I didn't found that much numbers of Kidney Care Hospitals.
Over sweating is also bad for the body. You lose water and have to constantly keep drinking water else you risk water balance in body. Plus bacteria eat the sweat and make you smell really bad. No matter how much you take a bath or use soap, if you start smelling bad after 10 minutes then it's a bigger problem. I get your point but there are advantages and disadvantages of everything imo.

Based on what you said, what is your BMI value? People that are overweight tend to sweat too and over weight could also cause you to smell bad easily. An obese person or someone who eats junk a lot will also smell bad. When underarms hygiene is neglected, that also causes bad smell. There are various factors into play.

To give an example, I was overweight in the past, used to sweat a lot and it use to cause smell too (after sweating/working out/end-of-the-day). I use to think it could be skin condition.
As soon as I lost 10+kg, sweating has decreased, the smell has gone away that I don't even remember how it used to be. I don't even use a deodrant now.
Does it mean I stopped sweating completely? No. It still happens when there is humid/hot climate or immediately after a hot shower depending on how hot I prefer the water to be. Sweating is natural and an advantage, but oversweating could be the cause of an underlying issue and that needs to treated rather than relying on those products which cause some other issue.
But still I'm not saying those products are bad, there are some occasions where you need them for sure.

Yes, i still drink 2-3 litres of water everyday and it all goes out. I feel my body got used to it because today i didn't use it and i haven't sweat like a dog even after doing some work.
You got to bump those numbers up. I know I'm saying something you would all disagree, but 3-4 litres is better and should be the new norm. But you need not drink more than 5 litres anyway, that might cause other issues again.
@Ssreek , Nah man, I'm underweight right from childhood. I'm an adult now and my weight is just 55Kgs and I'm 5'6". I'm perfectly satisfied with just 2-3 liters of water/day. I already go to the loo a lot. Don't want to drink 4-5 liters of water and stay in the loo 24/7.
I take good care of my hygiene. Don't know why you're trying to push the blame on me. Forget it. I was wrong to bring up this post. I'll ask some mod to delete it tomorrow.

@Mods, please delete this thread tomorrow if possible.
Obese people tend to secret a lot of sweat and hence they also tend to suffer a lot in fungal infections.
If its with an normally weighted person or even an underweight yet suffering similar issues then its certainly hormonal issue, lack of sleep, uncertain routine, anxiety, fear, heat or its just hyperhidrosis!

@6pack I hope you have done the necessary hormonal tests to rule out hyperhidrosis and or other conditions responsible. Your dermatologist is the best person to treat you.

Dont over-drink water as over-hydration is also not good. I have seen people just drinking water and water like filling their dams and ended up nutrient deficient ending up in hospital. We Indians tend to live in a lot of myths like drink as much as you can as if drought is hitting your mouth for yrs to come, eating bitter is always good, dump sweat and all that b-shit!
Refrain from falling to this crap as following this crap people have died younger than older so consult your doctor and learn to know your body as you are the best doctor to judge before those experts!

I'm speaking this form my own exp. and years of studying my body and food and medicines impact on it.
This antiperspirant roll-on clogs the sweat pores there by blocking the sweating. No sweat, no bacteria, no smell.
But these are all temporary solutions and applying at home the time frame impact will be more comparatively when been out as when one is out he/she tends to sweat a lot and even the strongest setwet type chapri coma migraine sprays wont be useful and everyone has to keep applying every couple of hours. and so this spray as well. Also, blocking sweat glands isn't a good idea.
@Ssreek , Nah man, I'm underweight right from childhood. I'm an adult now and my weight is just 55Kgs and I'm 5'6". I'm perfectly satisfied with just 2-3 liters of water/day. I already go to the loo a lot. Don't want to drink 4-5 liters of water and stay in the loo 24/7.
I take good care of my hygiene. Don't know why you're trying to push the blame on me. Forget it. I was wrong to bring up this post. I'll ask some mod to delete it tomorrow.

@Mods, please delete this thread tomorrow if possible.
Man, I wasn't trying to push any blame on you. I was only trying to say there could be an underlying issue. Usually these are the factors that come into play for majority of people. I even provided my own example.

Besides I didn't suggest to overdrink water and stay in the loo 24x7. I mentioned it because u previously were talking about losing water balance in body due to oversweating. Already some other expert misinterpreted this and jumped on to indirectly attacking me smh.

It seems there’s been a misunderstanding here. My intention was never to blame anyone. If stepping back from this thread helps clear things up, I’m more than willing to do so. Wishing you all the best, brother.
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